CHARLESTON, SC (WCSC) - Vandals armed with tubes of super glue targeted as many as 60 high end stores and businesses on fashionable King Street Friday morning, squirting glue into the locks of stores.
Managers couldn't unlock their stores for early morning sales on Black Friday. Locksmiths swarmed the shopping area while frustrated shoppers waited on the sidewalk for stores to open.
At Dumas and Sons, frustrated employeees broke through a glass window instead of waiting on beseiged locksmiths. They cleaned up the glass inside the store and opened for businesses.
Witnesses said every store from Saks Fifth Avenue, to Aldo, including stores like Lacoste, Banana Republic, and J Crew were targeted by the vandals.
This Blog is a collection of various new articles and items from the World Wide Web. (AKA The Internet)
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Port of L.A. buys Chinese X-ray scanning system with U.S. taxpayer money

By Jacob Goodwin, Editor-in-Chief
Published October 16th, 2008
Color X-ray Image
For the first time, a major U.S. port has purchased a sophisticated high-energy X-ray scanning system from a Chinese manufacturer, and it is paying for it with a $1.7 million port security grant awarded by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.
The Port of Los Angeles, the nation’s largest, has procured a mobile X-ray scanning system, mounted on a Mack truck chassis, which was manufactured by a Chinese company called Nuctech Company Limited, headquartered in Beijing, whose president happens to be the son of the President of the People’s Republic of China. The Nuctech equipment will be used by the port police to inspect trucks delivering food, groceries and other supplies to cruise ships that are scheduled to depart from the busy West Coast port.
The bid that included the Nuctech scanner, which was cheaper than rival bids submitted by Smiths Detection, a British company with offices in New Jersey, and Rapiscan Systems, of Torrance, CA, was formally submitted to the port by a small U.S.-based business headquartered in Rancho Palos Verdes, CA, known as DULY Research Inc.
DULY Research was awarded a $1,880,000 contract in September 2007, according to a memo issued by the port’s homeland security division. Smiths Detection bid just over $2.7 million and Rapiscan’s price was about $2.9 million, sources told GSN.
"We were cognizant of the fact that we were the first port to acquire this Chinese system," said George Cummings, the port’s director of homeland security. "They were the low bidder and they complied with all the technical requirements," he added.
Some observers of the transaction have raised questions about the wisdom of U.S. tax dollars being handed to a Chinese manufacturer, the degree to which Nuctech may have "reverse engineered" the X-ray technology originally developed by Western companies, the possibility that Nuctech may have had its price subsidized by the government of the People’s Republic of China, and the notion that Nuctech may have engaged in illegal "dumping" by offering its product below its own manufacturing costs.
Cummings, the homeland security director at the port, told GSN he is not troubled by any of those possibilities.
He explained that the purchase of the Model MT1213LH mobile X-ray scanning unit was done in accordance with the procurement rules and regulations of the City of Los Angeles, which does not include any "Buy America" provisions or clauses that would prohibit the purchase of Chinese-built equipment.
He also explained that U.S. Government officials at the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), which administers the department’s grant programs, knew about the equipment’s origin in China and had no objection to authorizing a cost reimbursement to the California port. "The equipment will be purchased by grant funding awarded in Round 3 of the Federal Port Security Grant Program and is budgeted in the Engineering Division budget for the current fiscal year," said the port’s contract award memorandum, dated Sept. 10, 2007.
Some industry observers have speculated that Nuctech based its product’s design on technology developed years earlier by other Western X-ray manufacturers, but GSN could not identify any patent infringement lawsuits initiated or threatened by any of Nuctech’s competitors. The Chinese firm has ridden its technical expertise – and its remarkably low prices – to victory after victory in numerous European tenders during the past 18 months or so, sources say. Its scanning equipment is currently installed in more than 60 countries.
It is never easy to determine whether a company is submitting formal bids at prices below its own production costs, actions which could lead to charges of illegal dumping, but few observers doubt that Nuctech has an extremely close relationship with the Chinese government. The fact that the president of Nuctech, 37-year-old Hu Haifeng, is the son of Hu Jintao, the President of the People’s Republic of China and the General Secretary of the Communist Party in China, only fuels such suspicions.
The Port of Los Angeles seems to have taken appropriate steps to select the winning bidder. Detailed proposals from Nuctech, Smiths Detection and Rapiscan were closely examined to determine if the products offered would conform to the technical requirements.
In addition, the bid information was provided to Dr. Charles Massey, formerly of Sandia National Laboratories and currently under contract to the Department of Energy to evaluate scanning systems as part of Uncle Sam’s Secure Freight Initiative, for his independent evaluation.
"We don’t have any heartburn about this," explained Cummings, the port’s homeland security director. "We did all the due diligence we had to do. We took it to our board. We’re comfortable with this decision."
Critics of the transaction, who requested anonymity, raised the specter of sensitive X-ray images and cargo manifests being archived on the X-ray scanning system and, perhaps, transmitted via the Internet back to Nuctech in China, or to the Chinese government. Indeed, the mobile system was required to offer that technical capability.
"Automatic digital image archiving with image review of 25,000 images or greater with a flatbed scanner to record, save and associate related documents and notes including system operators, recipient, date and time," was listed as one required capability in the port’s official specification document.
"Nuctech will supply the wireless devices for transmission of images to remote inspection location, and for uploading data via internet," promised Nuctech, in its formal proposal to the port.
Cummings acknowledged that the system theoretically could capture, store and transmit such X-ray images -- and transmit them to China or elsewhere -- but wondered who might have any interest in meaningless images of meat and groceries.
The high-energy X-ray system has now arrived at the port and is undergoing testing, said Cummings. Port officials need to develop an operational health and safety program which can win the port’s approval, and make some site improvements, before the equipment can begin full-time operation.
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Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Md. Mother Jailed After Bodies Of 2 Children Found in Freezer
By Matt Zapotosky, Petula Dvorak and Paul Duggan
Washington Post Staff Writers
Tuesday, September 30, 2008; Page A01
Phillip Garrett was passing time outside a neighbor's Calvert County home, smoking a cigarette, when he noticed a girl in pigtails wandering on the street. Her pink nightgown was caked with mud, her small body covered in bruises.
"Where's your mother?" he asked. "Where are you from?"
The girl said her mother had locked her out of their home, Garrett said yesterday, recalling Friday afternoon's encounter. She said she hadn't eaten in three days. And there was more: "She let us know that she had two sisters and that 'my mother beat them to death.' "
Early Saturday, Calvert authorities made a gruesome discovery: the bodies of two children encased in ice in a freezer in the home of Renee D. Bowman, 43. Bowman has been receiving a monthly government subsidy of $2,400 to care for her three adopted children: the 7-year-old girl on the street and two others who are now officially missing.
"You think you've seen it all," Sheriff Mike Evans said yesterday in announcing the discovery, "but you haven't."
With Bowman in jail, charged with child abuse, and investigators working to piece together what happened, the case again shined a spotlight on the D.C. Child and Family Services Agency, which recommended Bowman to a D.C. Superior Court judge as a suitable adoptive parent in 2001 and 2004. The girls had been wards of the D.C. government.
The child welfare agency came under fire in January after social workers failed to investigate reports of alleged child neglect by Banita Jacks, a Southeast Washington woman now charged with killing her four daughters in their home.
Yesterday, myriad questions about Bowman's adoptions went unanswered as city and court officials in the District, citing confidentiality laws, declined to reveal details of a background check of Bowman that was performed by a private contractor. They said they were unaware of her 1999 misdemeanor conviction in the District for threatening to hurt someone.
"It would be too premature, too irresponsible, to say someone along the chain messed up," Mayor Adrian M. Fenty (D) said at a news conference. He called the case "harrowing" and "a blow to everyone's heart and psyche that we could lose two more young people."
Not until today, after the ice has thawed, will authorities be able to conduct autopsies and formally identify the victims.
The missing children would be 9 and 11, officials said. They said the 7-year-old girl is a biological sister of the 9-year-old. All three were foster children of Bowman's before she adopted the oldest child in 2001 and the other two in 2004, officials said.
The sheriff's office said in a statement that Bowman told investigators the remains in the freezer were those of her older two adopted daughters. She told them she wrapped one of the children in a plastic garbage bag and the other in a rug, officials said. She said the remains had been in the freezer since February, when she moved to Lusby from Rockville, the sheriff's office said.
Six men carried the freezer out of the house, and it was transported to the state medical examiner's office in Baltimore.
Many neighbors near Bowman's beige ranch-style home in Lusby and at her former residence in Rockville said they had never seen children at her home and were unaware that she had any. Authorities in Calvert and Montgomery County -- and in Prince George's County, where she lived for a time -- said they could find no record of the children being enrolled in public schools.
Neighbor John Baroniak, 59, said Bowman told him that she had moved to Lusby to escape an abusive husband. He said she rented the house and seemed happy. He said it seemed to him that a man was staying with her recently.
"When I talked to her and everything, I thought at least I got a nice neighbor," Baroniak said. "I'm just kind of shocked and blown away."
Bowman was being held yesterday on charges of child abuse in connection with injuries to the 7-year-old. The girl escaped from her locked bedroom Thursday by jumping out a window, police said.
Bowman admitted beating the girl with a "hard-heeled shoe," the sheriff's office said. The girl told police her mother beat her with a white shoe to the point that it was covered in blood, officials said.
The child had "extensive open infected sores and open lesions," several injuries to her feet and knees, and ligature marks and extensive scarring on her neck, according to charging documents filed in court.
Investigators said they believe the other girls died in Rockville. Any criminal charges related to their deaths would probably be filed in Montgomery, not Calvert, they said.
Montgomery police yesterday searched the small house where Bowman lived in Rockville, in the 13100 block of Vandalia Drive.
Neighbors said she lived with a man named Joe who often lifted barbells in the back yard, near a child's red plastic toy car. They did not recall seeing children.
"During the day, it was like no one was there," said Rivelino Valdiva, 29.
Neighbors said they think that Joe worked as a pressure washer and did odd maintenance jobs and that Bowman worked as a secretary. A few months before moving out, Bowman complained of back pain and said she had cancer, according to neighbor Shirley Knapp.
After Bowman moved to Calvert, the landlord complained to Howard Knapp, Shirley's husband, about the mess that had been left behind. "They were pigs," he recalled the landlord saying. "They trashed the house, and there was at least one dead cat in there."
The Maryland Department of Human Resources will file a petition in court today to gain custody of the 7-year-old.
Staff writers Aaron C. Davis, Hamil R. Harris, Nelson Hernandez, Philip Rucker and Paul Schwartzman and staff researcher Meg Smith contributed to this report.
Washington Post Staff Writers
Tuesday, September 30, 2008; Page A01
Phillip Garrett was passing time outside a neighbor's Calvert County home, smoking a cigarette, when he noticed a girl in pigtails wandering on the street. Her pink nightgown was caked with mud, her small body covered in bruises.
"Where's your mother?" he asked. "Where are you from?"
The girl said her mother had locked her out of their home, Garrett said yesterday, recalling Friday afternoon's encounter. She said she hadn't eaten in three days. And there was more: "She let us know that she had two sisters and that 'my mother beat them to death.' "
Early Saturday, Calvert authorities made a gruesome discovery: the bodies of two children encased in ice in a freezer in the home of Renee D. Bowman, 43. Bowman has been receiving a monthly government subsidy of $2,400 to care for her three adopted children: the 7-year-old girl on the street and two others who are now officially missing.
"You think you've seen it all," Sheriff Mike Evans said yesterday in announcing the discovery, "but you haven't."
With Bowman in jail, charged with child abuse, and investigators working to piece together what happened, the case again shined a spotlight on the D.C. Child and Family Services Agency, which recommended Bowman to a D.C. Superior Court judge as a suitable adoptive parent in 2001 and 2004. The girls had been wards of the D.C. government.
The child welfare agency came under fire in January after social workers failed to investigate reports of alleged child neglect by Banita Jacks, a Southeast Washington woman now charged with killing her four daughters in their home.
Yesterday, myriad questions about Bowman's adoptions went unanswered as city and court officials in the District, citing confidentiality laws, declined to reveal details of a background check of Bowman that was performed by a private contractor. They said they were unaware of her 1999 misdemeanor conviction in the District for threatening to hurt someone.
"It would be too premature, too irresponsible, to say someone along the chain messed up," Mayor Adrian M. Fenty (D) said at a news conference. He called the case "harrowing" and "a blow to everyone's heart and psyche that we could lose two more young people."
Not until today, after the ice has thawed, will authorities be able to conduct autopsies and formally identify the victims.
The missing children would be 9 and 11, officials said. They said the 7-year-old girl is a biological sister of the 9-year-old. All three were foster children of Bowman's before she adopted the oldest child in 2001 and the other two in 2004, officials said.
The sheriff's office said in a statement that Bowman told investigators the remains in the freezer were those of her older two adopted daughters. She told them she wrapped one of the children in a plastic garbage bag and the other in a rug, officials said. She said the remains had been in the freezer since February, when she moved to Lusby from Rockville, the sheriff's office said.
Six men carried the freezer out of the house, and it was transported to the state medical examiner's office in Baltimore.
Many neighbors near Bowman's beige ranch-style home in Lusby and at her former residence in Rockville said they had never seen children at her home and were unaware that she had any. Authorities in Calvert and Montgomery County -- and in Prince George's County, where she lived for a time -- said they could find no record of the children being enrolled in public schools.
Neighbor John Baroniak, 59, said Bowman told him that she had moved to Lusby to escape an abusive husband. He said she rented the house and seemed happy. He said it seemed to him that a man was staying with her recently.
"When I talked to her and everything, I thought at least I got a nice neighbor," Baroniak said. "I'm just kind of shocked and blown away."
Bowman was being held yesterday on charges of child abuse in connection with injuries to the 7-year-old. The girl escaped from her locked bedroom Thursday by jumping out a window, police said.
Bowman admitted beating the girl with a "hard-heeled shoe," the sheriff's office said. The girl told police her mother beat her with a white shoe to the point that it was covered in blood, officials said.
The child had "extensive open infected sores and open lesions," several injuries to her feet and knees, and ligature marks and extensive scarring on her neck, according to charging documents filed in court.
Investigators said they believe the other girls died in Rockville. Any criminal charges related to their deaths would probably be filed in Montgomery, not Calvert, they said.
Montgomery police yesterday searched the small house where Bowman lived in Rockville, in the 13100 block of Vandalia Drive.
Neighbors said she lived with a man named Joe who often lifted barbells in the back yard, near a child's red plastic toy car. They did not recall seeing children.
"During the day, it was like no one was there," said Rivelino Valdiva, 29.
Neighbors said they think that Joe worked as a pressure washer and did odd maintenance jobs and that Bowman worked as a secretary. A few months before moving out, Bowman complained of back pain and said she had cancer, according to neighbor Shirley Knapp.
After Bowman moved to Calvert, the landlord complained to Howard Knapp, Shirley's husband, about the mess that had been left behind. "They were pigs," he recalled the landlord saying. "They trashed the house, and there was at least one dead cat in there."
The Maryland Department of Human Resources will file a petition in court today to gain custody of the 7-year-old.
Staff writers Aaron C. Davis, Hamil R. Harris, Nelson Hernandez, Philip Rucker and Paul Schwartzman and staff researcher Meg Smith contributed to this report.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Fortis turmoil comes at worst time for Belgium
By Tony Barber in Brussels
Published: September 26 2008 19:19 | Last updated: September 26 2008 19:19
The turbulence at Fortis, the Belgo-Dutch banking and insurance group, could hardly have erupted at a worse time for Belgium, whose linguistic rivalries and disputes over regional autonomy are so intractable that the country has been in almost total political deadlock for 15 months.
Fortis is the leading provider of retail financial services in the three Benelux countries, holding about €94bn in customer deposits as of June. It is also a pillar of the Belgian establishment, with a history stretching beyond the country’s creation in 1831.
Belgium acts to reassure Fortis depositors - Sep-26
Fortis suffers amid liquidity speculation - Sep-25
Fortis closes three hedge funds - Sep-16
Fortis says sale to Ping An will proceed - Aug-07
The Big Freeze: Part 4 - policy response - Aug-06
In depth: European bank results - Jun-26
Yet the ability of the political classes to respond to a crisis at Fortis is in question because of the atmosphere of crisis that has hung over Belgium since a general election in June 2007.
Politicians representing Belgium’s Flemish north and Francophone south are at such loggerheads that the government of Prime Minister Yves Leterme has been brought to its knees six months after he took office. More and more Belgians wonder aloud if their country will have no alternative to peaceful self-dissolution.
Although that prospect is remote, the divisions are making themselves felt in financial markets, where the spread between Belgian and German 10-year government bonds rose last week to its highest level since the euro’s launch in 1999.
Specialists on Belgium’s public finances and welfare state fear that the inability to reach agreement will make it hard to meet the challenges confronting the national pensions and healthcare systems.
But the troubles at Fortis have broader implications. Even before it joined the consortium to break up ABN Amro, it already had substantial retail and commercial banking operations in the Netherlands. With assets of €871bn at the end of 2007, Fortis’s balance sheet is larger than the GDP of either Belgium or the Netherlands. This has prompted some to question the ability of national governments to mount a state rescue, should one be necessary.
However, ABN Amro bankers stress that the Dutch bank is still owned by an acquisition vehicle, controlled by Royal Bank of Scotland of the UK, in which Fortis is a minority shareholder. Fortis is not due to take full control of the ABN Amro operations until the third quarter of 2009, though the Dutch central bank has the power to veto the move if it is sufficiently concerned about Fortis’ stability.
Mr Leterme’s inability to broker a regional autonomy deal prompted him to tender his resignation in July, but King Albert II declined to accept it and instead appointed three mediators to present fresh proposals.
No sooner had they done so last weekend than the NVA, a centre-right Flemish nationalist party, withdrew its support from Mr Leterme’s government.
“After 15 months of hard slog,” said Bart De Wever, the NVA’s president, “we’re back where we started and perhaps even further back than that.”
Additional reporting by Peter Thal Larsen in London
Copyright The Financial Times Limited 2008
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Published: September 26 2008 19:19 | Last updated: September 26 2008 19:19
The turbulence at Fortis, the Belgo-Dutch banking and insurance group, could hardly have erupted at a worse time for Belgium, whose linguistic rivalries and disputes over regional autonomy are so intractable that the country has been in almost total political deadlock for 15 months.
Fortis is the leading provider of retail financial services in the three Benelux countries, holding about €94bn in customer deposits as of June. It is also a pillar of the Belgian establishment, with a history stretching beyond the country’s creation in 1831.
Belgium acts to reassure Fortis depositors - Sep-26
Fortis suffers amid liquidity speculation - Sep-25
Fortis closes three hedge funds - Sep-16
Fortis says sale to Ping An will proceed - Aug-07
The Big Freeze: Part 4 - policy response - Aug-06
In depth: European bank results - Jun-26
Yet the ability of the political classes to respond to a crisis at Fortis is in question because of the atmosphere of crisis that has hung over Belgium since a general election in June 2007.
Politicians representing Belgium’s Flemish north and Francophone south are at such loggerheads that the government of Prime Minister Yves Leterme has been brought to its knees six months after he took office. More and more Belgians wonder aloud if their country will have no alternative to peaceful self-dissolution.
Although that prospect is remote, the divisions are making themselves felt in financial markets, where the spread between Belgian and German 10-year government bonds rose last week to its highest level since the euro’s launch in 1999.
Specialists on Belgium’s public finances and welfare state fear that the inability to reach agreement will make it hard to meet the challenges confronting the national pensions and healthcare systems.
But the troubles at Fortis have broader implications. Even before it joined the consortium to break up ABN Amro, it already had substantial retail and commercial banking operations in the Netherlands. With assets of €871bn at the end of 2007, Fortis’s balance sheet is larger than the GDP of either Belgium or the Netherlands. This has prompted some to question the ability of national governments to mount a state rescue, should one be necessary.
However, ABN Amro bankers stress that the Dutch bank is still owned by an acquisition vehicle, controlled by Royal Bank of Scotland of the UK, in which Fortis is a minority shareholder. Fortis is not due to take full control of the ABN Amro operations until the third quarter of 2009, though the Dutch central bank has the power to veto the move if it is sufficiently concerned about Fortis’ stability.
Mr Leterme’s inability to broker a regional autonomy deal prompted him to tender his resignation in July, but King Albert II declined to accept it and instead appointed three mediators to present fresh proposals.
No sooner had they done so last weekend than the NVA, a centre-right Flemish nationalist party, withdrew its support from Mr Leterme’s government.
“After 15 months of hard slog,” said Bart De Wever, the NVA’s president, “we’re back where we started and perhaps even further back than that.”
Additional reporting by Peter Thal Larsen in London
Copyright The Financial Times Limited 2008
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B&B monitored as shares hit new low
SEC mauled over Bear Stearns role
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Barclays Capital pursues Lehman talent
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Belgium acts to reassure Fortis depositors
Paulson taps Forst as adviser on plan
TPG stuck with nothing after chasing payday
Maybank misses BII deadline
Latest Companies news
* Wachovia approaches potential buyers
* Regulators race to find B&B solution
* Belgium acts to reassure Fortis depositors
* Barclays Capital announces new US team
* Lufthansa and Air France eye Alitalia stakes
* Liberty’s Malone in talks over AOL division
* Hardy Amies seeks rescue funding
* HSBC cuts 1,100 staff from its investment bank
Thursday, September 18, 2008
First pictures of two sisters found 'hacked to pieces' in luxury 'party' flat
First pictures of two sisters found 'hacked to pieces' in luxury 'party' flat
By Andy Dolan and Colin Fernandez
Last updated at 8:27 AM on 18th September 2008
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Two sisters who were brutally killed in their luxury Birmingham flat were found face down with their bodies 'chopped' into several pieces, a source close to the investigation has revealed.
The brother of the two girls named them tonight as sisters Yasmine and Sabrina Larbi-Cherif, aged 22 and 19 respectively. They are understood to have only moved to the two-bedroom flat a few months before their deaths and both held office jobs.
Residents suggested one of the sisters, who were Algerian, may have recently split from a boyfriend and told of a series of rows between one of the women and a mystery man shortly before the killings.

Sisters: Yasmine, left, and Sabrina Larbi-Cherif were brutally killed in their luxury flat in Birmingham
They had overheard a succession of arguments coming from the £240,000 flat in central Birmingham.
A 22-year-old woman who lived in the flat directly below the sisters, said: 'They both had dark hair, were olive skinned and very pretty.
'Whenever I passed they would nod their head and say hello.
'From time to time I would hear raised voices coming from upstairs, a man and a woman were clearly arguing over something, although I don't know what about.
'Over the last couple of weeks, however, the arguing was getting more and more intense.
'The rows were happening more regularly and the shouting was getting louder. There were also bangs and crashes against the floor.
'It's terrible to think they have been murdered in such a brutal way.'

Neighbours described Yasmine and Sabrina as 'very decent people'

The victims, described by fellow residents in the block as 'very decent people', were discovered by the building's concierge on Monday afternoon.
He told residents he had encountered a 'gruesome bloodbath' after forcing his way into the apartment at the request of relatives concerned the women had not been in touch for several days.
Yasmine, the older sister, was a keen dancer, leading classes in belly dancing in Birmingham, and her MySpace website features a YouTube video of her performing a belly dance.
Today a fellow dance teacher paid tribute to the 'extremely decent' woman she knew.
Maria Credali, of Lichfield, said: 'Yasmine was very kind, vibrant and very enthusiastic.
'She was really into the idea of sharing her culture with other ladies. She wanted to celebrate her background.'
Yasmine was a student, she said, but took a sabbatical to do voluntary work with women's groups.
She also taught dancing to adults, until she stopped teaching around a year ago, but was also 'fantastic with kids'.
Ms Credali added: 'I just remember her with a big smile on her face. She was very gentle.'
The whole family was 'very close', she added.
The victims, described by fellow residents in the block as 'very decent people', were discovered by the building's concierge on Monday afternoon.
He told residents he had encountered a 'gruesome bloodbath' after forcing his way into the apartment at the request of relatives concerned the women had not been in touch for several days.

Yasmine used to study biochemistry and the family had been in the UK for around nine years, according to an article she wrote on the internet, in which she described her love of dance and the importance of her cultural heritage.
Sabrina is listed on her social network page as being a member of a University of Birmingham group, of which you have to be a student to join. She is thought to have been about to begin a course in French studies there.
A spokesman for the university refused to comment on reports of Sabrina's death until police had officially named the victims.
The complex, called Jupiter Apartments, was built three years ago. Big Brother 3 winner and local radio DJ Kate Lawler rents a flat in the same block as the murder scene.
Police believe the women were killed in their fourth floor flat sometime over the weekend.
Neighbours told of a 'wild party' on that floor on Saturday night.
Some said they regularly heard neighbours' arguments and speculated that the killer may have turned up music to mask the sound of the women's screams during the attack.

Crime scene: A police officer guards Jupiter Apartments in central Birmingham where the bodies of the two sisters were discovered by the concierge
Carpenter Neil Deakin, 23, who lives on the floor above the apartment, said he had gone out to the shops on Saturday night and encountered revellers on the fourth-floor landing.
He said: 'They were in their 20s and 30s and did not look or sound British because they were speaking in a foreign language.
'One of the girls seemed very drunk and she was slumped against the side of the wall in the corridor.
'As it got later people started to drift away and everything went quiet at about 3am.'
The girl's father is believed to be travelling from Algiers to identify their bodies.
A source at the Algerian Consulate in London said the victims' mother lived in Birmingham. She is being comforted by police family liaison officers.
West Midlands Police said they had no evidence the sisters had staged a party in the hours before their murders and strenuously denied suggestions that they may have been prostitutes.
A 28-year-old man from the city, who is understood to be known to the women but not related, was arrested early Tuesday morning following an all ports alert as he attempted to board a ferry in Dover, Kent, 12 hours after the bodies were discovered.
Detective Chief Superintendent Dave Mirfield, head of West Midland Police's major investigation unit, said the sisters had died in a 'chaotic and sustained attack', with the killer leaving a 'disturbed scene with a huge amount of forensic opportunities.'
Friends have paid tribute to the sisters in a group set up on social networking website Facebook.
One, Faraz Sayed, wrote: 'No-one should have gone through the fate they did. It's something you wouldn't wish to your worst enemy.
'Sabrina was a good friend, she was incredibly talented, she could sing well and play the guitar, and she was good at any sport imaginable.'
Lul Hassan wrote: 'It's deeply saddening to hear of this loss - two very beautiful people, one particularly close to my heart, and no words can describe what you meant to us.'
Daniela Duarte asked: 'Why? I just can't believe it's happening, I don't want to believe it's happening.
'Gotta wipe away the tears and keep smiling like Sab did.'
Another of Sabrina's friends, Rebecca Ramsamooj, told how the teenager would 'brighten a room'.
She added: 'Personally for me she was a role model, I looked up to her because she was a bright girl and always gave me the advice I needed to hear.
'I will miss her so much, her singing, playing the guitar is my fondest memory and most of all her presence.'
© 2008 Associated Newspapers Ltd
By Andy Dolan and Colin Fernandez
Last updated at 8:27 AM on 18th September 2008
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Two sisters who were brutally killed in their luxury Birmingham flat were found face down with their bodies 'chopped' into several pieces, a source close to the investigation has revealed.
The brother of the two girls named them tonight as sisters Yasmine and Sabrina Larbi-Cherif, aged 22 and 19 respectively. They are understood to have only moved to the two-bedroom flat a few months before their deaths and both held office jobs.
Residents suggested one of the sisters, who were Algerian, may have recently split from a boyfriend and told of a series of rows between one of the women and a mystery man shortly before the killings.

Sisters: Yasmine, left, and Sabrina Larbi-Cherif were brutally killed in their luxury flat in Birmingham
They had overheard a succession of arguments coming from the £240,000 flat in central Birmingham.
A 22-year-old woman who lived in the flat directly below the sisters, said: 'They both had dark hair, were olive skinned and very pretty.
'Whenever I passed they would nod their head and say hello.
'From time to time I would hear raised voices coming from upstairs, a man and a woman were clearly arguing over something, although I don't know what about.
'Over the last couple of weeks, however, the arguing was getting more and more intense.
'The rows were happening more regularly and the shouting was getting louder. There were also bangs and crashes against the floor.
'It's terrible to think they have been murdered in such a brutal way.'

Neighbours described Yasmine and Sabrina as 'very decent people'

The victims, described by fellow residents in the block as 'very decent people', were discovered by the building's concierge on Monday afternoon.
He told residents he had encountered a 'gruesome bloodbath' after forcing his way into the apartment at the request of relatives concerned the women had not been in touch for several days.
Yasmine, the older sister, was a keen dancer, leading classes in belly dancing in Birmingham, and her MySpace website features a YouTube video of her performing a belly dance.
Today a fellow dance teacher paid tribute to the 'extremely decent' woman she knew.
Maria Credali, of Lichfield, said: 'Yasmine was very kind, vibrant and very enthusiastic.
'She was really into the idea of sharing her culture with other ladies. She wanted to celebrate her background.'
Yasmine was a student, she said, but took a sabbatical to do voluntary work with women's groups.
She also taught dancing to adults, until she stopped teaching around a year ago, but was also 'fantastic with kids'.
Ms Credali added: 'I just remember her with a big smile on her face. She was very gentle.'
The whole family was 'very close', she added.
The victims, described by fellow residents in the block as 'very decent people', were discovered by the building's concierge on Monday afternoon.
He told residents he had encountered a 'gruesome bloodbath' after forcing his way into the apartment at the request of relatives concerned the women had not been in touch for several days.

Yasmine used to study biochemistry and the family had been in the UK for around nine years, according to an article she wrote on the internet, in which she described her love of dance and the importance of her cultural heritage.
Sabrina is listed on her social network page as being a member of a University of Birmingham group, of which you have to be a student to join. She is thought to have been about to begin a course in French studies there.
A spokesman for the university refused to comment on reports of Sabrina's death until police had officially named the victims.
The complex, called Jupiter Apartments, was built three years ago. Big Brother 3 winner and local radio DJ Kate Lawler rents a flat in the same block as the murder scene.
Police believe the women were killed in their fourth floor flat sometime over the weekend.
Neighbours told of a 'wild party' on that floor on Saturday night.
Some said they regularly heard neighbours' arguments and speculated that the killer may have turned up music to mask the sound of the women's screams during the attack.

Crime scene: A police officer guards Jupiter Apartments in central Birmingham where the bodies of the two sisters were discovered by the concierge
Carpenter Neil Deakin, 23, who lives on the floor above the apartment, said he had gone out to the shops on Saturday night and encountered revellers on the fourth-floor landing.
He said: 'They were in their 20s and 30s and did not look or sound British because they were speaking in a foreign language.
'One of the girls seemed very drunk and she was slumped against the side of the wall in the corridor.
'As it got later people started to drift away and everything went quiet at about 3am.'
The girl's father is believed to be travelling from Algiers to identify their bodies.
A source at the Algerian Consulate in London said the victims' mother lived in Birmingham. She is being comforted by police family liaison officers.
West Midlands Police said they had no evidence the sisters had staged a party in the hours before their murders and strenuously denied suggestions that they may have been prostitutes.
A 28-year-old man from the city, who is understood to be known to the women but not related, was arrested early Tuesday morning following an all ports alert as he attempted to board a ferry in Dover, Kent, 12 hours after the bodies were discovered.
Detective Chief Superintendent Dave Mirfield, head of West Midland Police's major investigation unit, said the sisters had died in a 'chaotic and sustained attack', with the killer leaving a 'disturbed scene with a huge amount of forensic opportunities.'
Friends have paid tribute to the sisters in a group set up on social networking website Facebook.
One, Faraz Sayed, wrote: 'No-one should have gone through the fate they did. It's something you wouldn't wish to your worst enemy.
'Sabrina was a good friend, she was incredibly talented, she could sing well and play the guitar, and she was good at any sport imaginable.'
Lul Hassan wrote: 'It's deeply saddening to hear of this loss - two very beautiful people, one particularly close to my heart, and no words can describe what you meant to us.'
Daniela Duarte asked: 'Why? I just can't believe it's happening, I don't want to believe it's happening.
'Gotta wipe away the tears and keep smiling like Sab did.'
Another of Sabrina's friends, Rebecca Ramsamooj, told how the teenager would 'brighten a room'.
She added: 'Personally for me she was a role model, I looked up to her because she was a bright girl and always gave me the advice I needed to hear.
'I will miss her so much, her singing, playing the guitar is my fondest memory and most of all her presence.'
© 2008 Associated Newspapers Ltd
Two young Brit women found battered to death after 'sex party'
Two young Brit women found battered to death after 'sex party'
London, Sept 17: Two young women were found hacked to death in a 'sustained and violent' attack at a luxury apartment block in Birmingham.
The women, in their early twenties, were discovered by the concierge who forced his way into the 200,000-pound flat.
He had been alerted by worried relatives who had failed to make contact with the pair.
Residents have claimed that the women had been working as prostitutes and were possibly killed after a 'sex party'.
However, police said they were unaware of any vice link 'at this stage' but admit that they there was no sign of a forced entry.
Cops said the victims, thought to be Iranian, suffered 'horrendous' injuries in a frenzied attack that involved knives and blunt objects.
Detective Chief Superintendent Dave Mirfield, head of West Midland Police's major investigation unit, said: 'It was a sustained and violent attack.'
Forensic teams found blood spatters in nearly every room of the murder flat. It could mean the victims were chased around as they were attacked.
"The inside was like something out of a horror movie. There was blood up the walls and over the furniture," the Sun quoted a source, as saying.
"Blood was also found on the landing and in the car park of the apartment block - where the killer presumably drove away.
"The frenzied nature of the attacks could point to the killer being on drugs," the source added.
The bodies had not been removed from the flat as forensics officers worked inside.
A 28-year-old man from the city, who is understood to be known to the women but not related, was arrested following an all-ports alert as he attempted to board a ferry in Dover, Kent, 12 hours after the bodies were discovered.
The flat is on the top floor of the five-storey Jupiter block, close to the city's Broad Street clubland.
--- ANI
London, Sept 17: Two young women were found hacked to death in a 'sustained and violent' attack at a luxury apartment block in Birmingham.
The women, in their early twenties, were discovered by the concierge who forced his way into the 200,000-pound flat.
He had been alerted by worried relatives who had failed to make contact with the pair.
Residents have claimed that the women had been working as prostitutes and were possibly killed after a 'sex party'.
However, police said they were unaware of any vice link 'at this stage' but admit that they there was no sign of a forced entry.
Cops said the victims, thought to be Iranian, suffered 'horrendous' injuries in a frenzied attack that involved knives and blunt objects.
Detective Chief Superintendent Dave Mirfield, head of West Midland Police's major investigation unit, said: 'It was a sustained and violent attack.'
Forensic teams found blood spatters in nearly every room of the murder flat. It could mean the victims were chased around as they were attacked.
"The inside was like something out of a horror movie. There was blood up the walls and over the furniture," the Sun quoted a source, as saying.
"Blood was also found on the landing and in the car park of the apartment block - where the killer presumably drove away.
"The frenzied nature of the attacks could point to the killer being on drugs," the source added.
The bodies had not been removed from the flat as forensics officers worked inside.
A 28-year-old man from the city, who is understood to be known to the women but not related, was arrested following an all-ports alert as he attempted to board a ferry in Dover, Kent, 12 hours after the bodies were discovered.
The flat is on the top floor of the five-storey Jupiter block, close to the city's Broad Street clubland.
--- ANI
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Where did Obama's money come from? Please take time and read this.
Where did Obama's money come from? Please take time and read this.
Maureen Dowd, winner of the 1999 Pulitzer Prize for distinguished commentary, became a columnist on The New York Times Op-Ed page in 1995 after having served as a correspondent in the paper's Washington bureau since 1986. She has covered four presidential campaigns and served as a White House correspondent. She also wrote a column, "On Washington," for The New York Times Magazine.
Ms. Dowd joined The New York Times as a metropolitan reporter in 1983. She began her career in 1974 as an editorial assistant for The Washington Star, where she later became a sports columnist, metropolitan reporter and feature writer. When the Star closed in 1981, she went to Time magazine. Born in Washington D.C., Ms. Dowd received a B.A. degree in English literature from Catholic University (Washington, D.C.) in 1973.
Certainly the most interesting and potentially devastating OBAMA'S TROUBLING INTERNET FUND RAISING Certainly the most interesting and potentially devastating phone call I have received during this election cycle came this week from one of the Obama's campaign internet geeks. These are the staffers who devised Obama's internet fund raising campaign which raised in the neighborhood of $200 million so far. That is more then twice the total funds raised by any candidate in history – and this was all from the internet campaign. What I learned from this insider was shocking but I guess we
shouldn't be surprised that when it comes to fund raising there simply are no rules that can't be broken and no ethics that prevail. Obama's internet campaign started out innocently enough with basic e-mail networking, lists saved from previous party campaigns and from supporters who visited any of the Obama campaign web sites. Small contributions came in from these sources and the internet campaign staff were more than pleased by the results. Then, about two months into the campaign the daily contribution intake multiplied. Where was it coming from? One of the web site security monitors began to notice the bulk of the contributions were clearly coming in from overseas internet service providers and at the rate and frequency of transmission it was clear these donations were
"programmed" by a very sophisticated user. While the security people were not able to track most of the sources due to firewalls and other blocking devices put on these contributions they were able to collate the number of contributions that were coming in seemingly from individuals but the funds were from only a few credit card accounts and bank electronic funds transfers. The internet service providers (ISP) they were able to trace were from Saudi Arabia, Iran, and other Middle Eastern countries. One of the banks used for fund transfers was also located in Saudi Arabia.
Another concentrated group of donations was traced to a Chinese ISP with a similar pattern of limited credit card charges. It became clear that these donations were very likely coming from sources other than American voters. This was discussed at length within the campaign and the decision was made that none of these donations violated campaign financing laws. It was also decided that it was not the responsibility of the campaign to audit these millions of contributions as to the actual source (specific credit card number or bank transfer account numbers) to insure that none of these internet contributors exceeded the legal maximum donation on a cumulative basis of many small donations. They also found the record keeping was not complete enough to do it anyway.
This is a shocking revelation. We have been concerned about the legality of "bundling" contributions after the recent exposure of illegal bundlers but now it appears we may have an even greater problem. I guess we should have been somewhat suspicious when the numbers started to come out. We were told (no proof offered) that the Obama internet contributions were from $10.00 to $25.00 or so. If the $200,000,000 is right, and the average contribution was $15.00, that would mean over 13 million individuals made contributions? That would also be 13 million contributions would need to be processed. How did all that happen? I believe the Obama campaign's internet fund raising needs a serious, in depth investigation and audit. It also appears the whole question of internet fund raising needs investigation by the legislature and perhaps new laws to insure it complies not only with the letter of these laws but the spirit as well.
The fact that the NY Times allowed this to be printed is amazing in itself.
Maureen Dowd, winner of the 1999 Pulitzer Prize for distinguished commentary, became a columnist on The New York Times Op-Ed page in 1995 after having served as a correspondent in the paper's Washington bureau since 1986. She has covered four presidential campaigns and served as a White House correspondent. She also wrote a column, "On Washington," for The New York Times Magazine.
Ms. Dowd joined The New York Times as a metropolitan reporter in 1983. She began her career in 1974 as an editorial assistant for The Washington Star, where she later became a sports columnist, metropolitan reporter and feature writer. When the Star closed in 1981, she went to Time magazine. Born in Washington D.C., Ms. Dowd received a B.A. degree in English literature from Catholic University (Washington, D.C.) in 1973.
Certainly the most interesting and potentially devastating OBAMA'S TROUBLING INTERNET FUND RAISING Certainly the most interesting and potentially devastating phone call I have received during this election cycle came this week from one of the Obama's campaign internet geeks. These are the staffers who devised Obama's internet fund raising campaign which raised in the neighborhood of $200 million so far. That is more then twice the total funds raised by any candidate in history – and this was all from the internet campaign. What I learned from this insider was shocking but I guess we
shouldn't be surprised that when it comes to fund raising there simply are no rules that can't be broken and no ethics that prevail. Obama's internet campaign started out innocently enough with basic e-mail networking, lists saved from previous party campaigns and from supporters who visited any of the Obama campaign web sites. Small contributions came in from these sources and the internet campaign staff were more than pleased by the results. Then, about two months into the campaign the daily contribution intake multiplied. Where was it coming from? One of the web site security monitors began to notice the bulk of the contributions were clearly coming in from overseas internet service providers and at the rate and frequency of transmission it was clear these donations were
"programmed" by a very sophisticated user. While the security people were not able to track most of the sources due to firewalls and other blocking devices put on these contributions they were able to collate the number of contributions that were coming in seemingly from individuals but the funds were from only a few credit card accounts and bank electronic funds transfers. The internet service providers (ISP) they were able to trace were from Saudi Arabia, Iran, and other Middle Eastern countries. One of the banks used for fund transfers was also located in Saudi Arabia.
Another concentrated group of donations was traced to a Chinese ISP with a similar pattern of limited credit card charges. It became clear that these donations were very likely coming from sources other than American voters. This was discussed at length within the campaign and the decision was made that none of these donations violated campaign financing laws. It was also decided that it was not the responsibility of the campaign to audit these millions of contributions as to the actual source (specific credit card number or bank transfer account numbers) to insure that none of these internet contributors exceeded the legal maximum donation on a cumulative basis of many small donations. They also found the record keeping was not complete enough to do it anyway.
This is a shocking revelation. We have been concerned about the legality of "bundling" contributions after the recent exposure of illegal bundlers but now it appears we may have an even greater problem. I guess we should have been somewhat suspicious when the numbers started to come out. We were told (no proof offered) that the Obama internet contributions were from $10.00 to $25.00 or so. If the $200,000,000 is right, and the average contribution was $15.00, that would mean over 13 million individuals made contributions? That would also be 13 million contributions would need to be processed. How did all that happen? I believe the Obama campaign's internet fund raising needs a serious, in depth investigation and audit. It also appears the whole question of internet fund raising needs investigation by the legislature and perhaps new laws to insure it complies not only with the letter of these laws but the spirit as well.
The fact that the NY Times allowed this to be printed is amazing in itself.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Quentin “Rampage” Jackson Has a Real Life GTA IV Exeperience
Quentin “Rampage” Jackson Has a Real Life GTA IV Exeperience
Posted by admin on July 21st, 2008 5 Comments Printer-Friendly
My take: Quentin “Rampage” Jackson, one of the most well known fighters in the UFC (Ultimate Fighting Championship) was arrested for leading police on a high speed chase through the streets of Southern California. He was then given a psychiatric evaluation and is now in the psych ward. Now for starters, anyone who has the nickname rampage is going to have some issues. Is it really a shock to anyone that a guy who fights for a living and has a middle name “rampage” would have some anger or rage issues?
For me this arrest leads to larger question about MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) and UFC. Both MMA and UFC are growing very quickly. In ESPN magazine this month, there was an article on a ten year old MMA star. For those who don’t know, MMA is like boxing except you can use grabs and kicks as well as punches to pulverize your opponent. The first MMA fight on network television was held last month on CBS and it received outstanding ratings.
MMA is by far the most violent sport accepted and covered by the main stream media. For me, MMA represents a threshold that sport has crossed. In violent sports there is a dichotomy between who you are on the field, on the floor, or in the ring and who you are off floor, field, and ring. When those two personalities cross, that is when there is trouble. I believe that to be successful in this sport you need to be a violent person, a person so violent, that violence and anger are not just part of your sporting life, but your personal life as well. How can you literally be a trained killer and cheered on by millions, and then become docile and “normal” the second the lights go off? As a society we have created Quentin’s rampage. I’m not saying that MMA isn’t fun to watch or entertaining, we just can’t be shocked when something like this happens again with another ultimate fighter.
Posted by admin on July 21st, 2008 5 Comments Printer-Friendly
My take: Quentin “Rampage” Jackson, one of the most well known fighters in the UFC (Ultimate Fighting Championship) was arrested for leading police on a high speed chase through the streets of Southern California. He was then given a psychiatric evaluation and is now in the psych ward. Now for starters, anyone who has the nickname rampage is going to have some issues. Is it really a shock to anyone that a guy who fights for a living and has a middle name “rampage” would have some anger or rage issues?
For me this arrest leads to larger question about MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) and UFC. Both MMA and UFC are growing very quickly. In ESPN magazine this month, there was an article on a ten year old MMA star. For those who don’t know, MMA is like boxing except you can use grabs and kicks as well as punches to pulverize your opponent. The first MMA fight on network television was held last month on CBS and it received outstanding ratings.
MMA is by far the most violent sport accepted and covered by the main stream media. For me, MMA represents a threshold that sport has crossed. In violent sports there is a dichotomy between who you are on the field, on the floor, or in the ring and who you are off floor, field, and ring. When those two personalities cross, that is when there is trouble. I believe that to be successful in this sport you need to be a violent person, a person so violent, that violence and anger are not just part of your sporting life, but your personal life as well. How can you literally be a trained killer and cheered on by millions, and then become docile and “normal” the second the lights go off? As a society we have created Quentin’s rampage. I’m not saying that MMA isn’t fun to watch or entertaining, we just can’t be shocked when something like this happens again with another ultimate fighter.
Friday, September 5, 2008
The following is a statement from Underground Video Inc. about the alleged photographs and stories of Billy Meier concerning the Pleiadian visitors he encountered.
Recently Underground Video began an in-depth inquiry into the most sensational UFO case in history. Our investigation first began as a supportive effort to verify the known fact of the Meier case to present the truth of alien-human contact to skeptics.
With the assistance of members from the Hollywood special effects team of the UltraMatrix Corporation we studied the Meier photographs and claims made by Meier's Talmud Jmmanuel, Genesis III Publishing, Light Years by Gary Kinder, The Pleiadian Connection by Randolf Winters, and the movie Contact. We also spent considerable time tracking the claims of "computer expert" and "Ph.D." Jim Dilettoso, as well as claims made through Michael Hesemann by Guido Moosbrugger from Meier's FIGU cult in Switzerland.
After six months of intense inquiry, with the assistance of cinematographers, physicists, and computer analysts from TotalResearch, we found the claims of the representatives of the Meier case to absolutely untrue. We discovered miniature models, and a variety of deceptive methods used to create this hoax. Additionally, an undercover "hidden camera" investigation penetrated the Meier cult in Switzerland, revealing irrefutable scientific evidence of FRAUD.
Underground Video was one of the foremost defenders of the Meier material. We are DISAPPOINTED to now learn the ENTIRE case is a hoax. Representations of any authenticity with regard to this case made by alleged scientific examination has proved to be totally unreliable and misleads the general public into believing a carefully fabricated lie. The persons who authenitcated the Meier case are not credible scientists nor investigators.
Any previous representations of authenticity of the Meier case in the Underground Video catalog should be ignored. Our findings will be presented to the Attorney General for possible prosecution for a Consumer Class Action Suit for Fraud. Underground Video will continue to make the Meier material available to investigators and the general public who desire to study the hoax and how it had been sold to the public for nearly 20 years.
Anyone who had previously purchased any Meier materials may write Underground Video to be included in a CONSUMER CLASS ACTION SUIT.
Underground Video
Meier Class Action Suit
PO BOX 527
Beverly Hills, CA 90213-0527
Along with Underground Video's statement is a photograph showing one of Billy Meiers alleged Pleiadian beamships taken in 1981. After computer enhancement and careful scrutiny, it has been shown the Beamship is really a miniature model made out of an upside-down cake pan, disconnected copper hose fitting, a bracelet, carpet tacks and various other identifiable objects.
The Meier photograph of the beautiful Pleiadian alien, Semjase, turned out to be a photocopy of a model from a Sears Catalog. Another one of Meier's photographs, where he allegedly traveled into the future aboard a Pleiadian Beamship to photograph the aftermath of a 9.0 earthquake in San Francisco showing the toppled Trans-America building, turned out to be a realistic looking painting from a geology magazine article about earthquakes. On top of these damning examples, every single one of Billy Meier's photographs of Pleiadian ships have been shown to be of third, fourth and even fifth generation(photographs of photographs) This means the he likely airbrushed suspension wires and other signs of fraud. There is not one example of an original, first generation Billy Meier photograph. On top of that, it has been shown that the reflections on some of the Pleiadian ships are not consistent with the position of the sun, indicating possible superimposition techniques. To top it off, a reporter found a bunch of miniature models exactly matching many of the Pleiadian ships shown in his photos. His ex-wife has come out to denounce him as a fraud as well. The evidence is overwhelming that whole Billy Meier story is unquestionably, absolutely, completely and totally 100% BOGUS. Case Closed!
Billy Meier and his cohorts, have made a lot of money out of this scam. I applaud Underground Video for seeking the truth about the Billy Meier scam and disassociating itself from any involvement with Meier. Billy Meier has done more to hurt the legitimate field of UFO research than any other person alive today. It's really a shame.
Michael Taylor
SPACESHIPS OF THE PLEIADES - The Billy Meier Story (Kal K. Korff)
Skeptic page
Recently Underground Video began an in-depth inquiry into the most sensational UFO case in history. Our investigation first began as a supportive effort to verify the known fact of the Meier case to present the truth of alien-human contact to skeptics.
With the assistance of members from the Hollywood special effects team of the UltraMatrix Corporation we studied the Meier photographs and claims made by Meier's Talmud Jmmanuel, Genesis III Publishing, Light Years by Gary Kinder, The Pleiadian Connection by Randolf Winters, and the movie Contact. We also spent considerable time tracking the claims of "computer expert" and "Ph.D." Jim Dilettoso, as well as claims made through Michael Hesemann by Guido Moosbrugger from Meier's FIGU cult in Switzerland.
After six months of intense inquiry, with the assistance of cinematographers, physicists, and computer analysts from TotalResearch, we found the claims of the representatives of the Meier case to absolutely untrue. We discovered miniature models, and a variety of deceptive methods used to create this hoax. Additionally, an undercover "hidden camera" investigation penetrated the Meier cult in Switzerland, revealing irrefutable scientific evidence of FRAUD.
Underground Video was one of the foremost defenders of the Meier material. We are DISAPPOINTED to now learn the ENTIRE case is a hoax. Representations of any authenticity with regard to this case made by alleged scientific examination has proved to be totally unreliable and misleads the general public into believing a carefully fabricated lie. The persons who authenitcated the Meier case are not credible scientists nor investigators.
Any previous representations of authenticity of the Meier case in the Underground Video catalog should be ignored. Our findings will be presented to the Attorney General for possible prosecution for a Consumer Class Action Suit for Fraud. Underground Video will continue to make the Meier material available to investigators and the general public who desire to study the hoax and how it had been sold to the public for nearly 20 years.
Anyone who had previously purchased any Meier materials may write Underground Video to be included in a CONSUMER CLASS ACTION SUIT.
Underground Video
Meier Class Action Suit
PO BOX 527
Beverly Hills, CA 90213-0527
Along with Underground Video's statement is a photograph showing one of Billy Meiers alleged Pleiadian beamships taken in 1981. After computer enhancement and careful scrutiny, it has been shown the Beamship is really a miniature model made out of an upside-down cake pan, disconnected copper hose fitting, a bracelet, carpet tacks and various other identifiable objects.
The Meier photograph of the beautiful Pleiadian alien, Semjase, turned out to be a photocopy of a model from a Sears Catalog. Another one of Meier's photographs, where he allegedly traveled into the future aboard a Pleiadian Beamship to photograph the aftermath of a 9.0 earthquake in San Francisco showing the toppled Trans-America building, turned out to be a realistic looking painting from a geology magazine article about earthquakes. On top of these damning examples, every single one of Billy Meier's photographs of Pleiadian ships have been shown to be of third, fourth and even fifth generation(photographs of photographs) This means the he likely airbrushed suspension wires and other signs of fraud. There is not one example of an original, first generation Billy Meier photograph. On top of that, it has been shown that the reflections on some of the Pleiadian ships are not consistent with the position of the sun, indicating possible superimposition techniques. To top it off, a reporter found a bunch of miniature models exactly matching many of the Pleiadian ships shown in his photos. His ex-wife has come out to denounce him as a fraud as well. The evidence is overwhelming that whole Billy Meier story is unquestionably, absolutely, completely and totally 100% BOGUS. Case Closed!
Billy Meier and his cohorts, have made a lot of money out of this scam. I applaud Underground Video for seeking the truth about the Billy Meier scam and disassociating itself from any involvement with Meier. Billy Meier has done more to hurt the legitimate field of UFO research than any other person alive today. It's really a shame.
Michael Taylor
SPACESHIPS OF THE PLEIADES - The Billy Meier Story (Kal K. Korff)
Skeptic page
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
It's Atlantic Coast's turn as Hanna eyes Southeast
It's Atlantic Coast's turn as Hanna eyes Southeast
By BRUCE SMITH – 1 hour ago
CHARLESTON, S.C. (AP) — Officials along the southern Atlantic coast held off ordering evacuations Wednesday amid uncertainty about where Tropical Storm Hanna might come ashore and how strong it will be when it gets there.
Instead, they kept close tabs as Hanna battered the southern Bahamas and Haiti. Forecasters tentatively predicted the storm would return to hurricane strength before hitting somewhere along the South Carolina and North Carolina coasts, probably Saturday.
Some coastal residents booked inland hotel rooms while others gave a collective shrug. Officials contemplated whether to order evacuations, make them voluntary or simply tell people to sit tight, a decision complicated by Hanna's unpredictability.
"It's much more difficult than if it's coming straight at you," said Clayton Scott, emergency management director for the county that includes Savannah, Ga.
Hanna, responsible for at least 26 deaths in Haiti, had state disaster planners considering turning major highways into one-way evacuation routes for the roughly 1 million people who live between Savannah and Wilmington, N.C.
"When the governor decides to issue an evacuation order, we know there is $200 billion of residential real estate along the coast and hundreds of thousands of people at risk," said Derrec Becker, spokesman for the South Carolina Emergency Management Division. "It's not a decision made lightly. We're not going to wait for the last minute."
But no decisions came Wednesday. Forecasts lessened fears of landfall in Savannah, where Scott, the Chatham County emergency management director, said officials didn't plan evacuations unless the projected path changed.
But in a sign that Georgia's oldest city wasn't taking the threat lightly, workers began putting up storm shutters Wednesday over the windows of gold-domed Savannah City Hall.
Hanna spent the last several days meandering between the southern Bahamas and Haiti. The National Hurricane Center forecast called for the storm to turn northwest, gradually curving more toward the U.S.
Hanna comes as New Orleans residents start to return home after fleeing Hurricane Gustav, which did less damage than feared but still caused serious flooding and could leave some in Louisiana without electricity for up to a month.
Plans changed Wednesday as the forecast did, with officials as far north as Washington, D.C., urging residents to prepare for the possibility of heavy winds and rain as forecasters said the storm might hit farther north than first expected.
In North Carolina, Gov. Mike Easley activated the North Carolina National Guard to help respond to the storm, with up to 270 troops expected in place by Friday. He said the storm could bring 10 inches of rain to the state and pleaded with residents to be prepared. Food and other emergency supplies are available at state emergency warehouses — examples of a state accustomed to responding to hurricanes.
"We have in place everything that we need," Easley said.
Cape Lookout National Seashore superintendent Russell Wilson ordered visitors to leave uninhabited islands at the park north of Wilmington, N.C., which will close at 5 p.m. Thursday.
Rangers at the Cape Hatteras National Seashore were pulling out hurricane plans and emergency planners along the state's southern coast were preparing.
"It's going to put our county in hurricane force winds for a while, which we weren't anticipating initially," said Mark Goodman, emergency management director in Onslow County on North Carolina's central coast, home to Camp Lejeune.
In South Carolina, schools planned to stay open and Horry County, closest to the projected path, was to close its emergency center overnight and reopen it Thursday morning.
While no evacuations were ordered Wednesday, Hanna already was disrupting other events. The Marines at Parris Island, S.C., moved their weekly recruit graduation up a day to Thursday. High schools rescheduled football games and the National Guard pushed up weekend exercises by two days in case troops get deployed to help along the coast. South Carolina restricted port operations. In North Carolina, Air Force bases sent planes to Ohio.
In Columbia, some 100 miles from Charleston, resident Gwendolyn Byous, 63, stocked up on supplies at a Wal-Mart.
"We have been so blessed over the past years that you never know," said Byous, who was buying water, canned meat and fruit cocktail. "I told my children drink the water that's in the faucet. That (bottled water) is only for emergencies."
But many were unimpressed by forecasts the storm could bring 80 mph winds as it neared land.
"I'm not evacuating. I don't have any concerns about it. We're going to stay," said Margarita Lynn, 58, as she walked her dogs along a road on Sullivans Island near Charleston.
Lynn said media and people not accustomed to the storms were the ones causing all the ruckus. She said she simply went to the store and bought a new tarp in case her roof was damaged.
Beachfront houses showed few signs a hurricane could be less than three days away. Windows were not boarded up and there was little activity under a blue, cloudless sky.
"We're not hysterical about things like this. We choose to live here," she said. "Every time there is a hurricane, people everywhere get hysterical about it."
Associated Press writers Jeffrey Collins, Page Ivey, Susanne M. Schafer and Katrina A. Goggins in Columbia; Russ Bynum in Savannah, Ga.; and Estes Thompson in Raleigh, N.C., contributed to this report.
(This version CORRECTS Onslow County is home to Camp Lejeune, not Fort Bragg.)
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Copyright © 2008 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.
By BRUCE SMITH – 1 hour ago
CHARLESTON, S.C. (AP) — Officials along the southern Atlantic coast held off ordering evacuations Wednesday amid uncertainty about where Tropical Storm Hanna might come ashore and how strong it will be when it gets there.
Instead, they kept close tabs as Hanna battered the southern Bahamas and Haiti. Forecasters tentatively predicted the storm would return to hurricane strength before hitting somewhere along the South Carolina and North Carolina coasts, probably Saturday.
Some coastal residents booked inland hotel rooms while others gave a collective shrug. Officials contemplated whether to order evacuations, make them voluntary or simply tell people to sit tight, a decision complicated by Hanna's unpredictability.
"It's much more difficult than if it's coming straight at you," said Clayton Scott, emergency management director for the county that includes Savannah, Ga.
Hanna, responsible for at least 26 deaths in Haiti, had state disaster planners considering turning major highways into one-way evacuation routes for the roughly 1 million people who live between Savannah and Wilmington, N.C.
"When the governor decides to issue an evacuation order, we know there is $200 billion of residential real estate along the coast and hundreds of thousands of people at risk," said Derrec Becker, spokesman for the South Carolina Emergency Management Division. "It's not a decision made lightly. We're not going to wait for the last minute."
But no decisions came Wednesday. Forecasts lessened fears of landfall in Savannah, where Scott, the Chatham County emergency management director, said officials didn't plan evacuations unless the projected path changed.
But in a sign that Georgia's oldest city wasn't taking the threat lightly, workers began putting up storm shutters Wednesday over the windows of gold-domed Savannah City Hall.
Hanna spent the last several days meandering between the southern Bahamas and Haiti. The National Hurricane Center forecast called for the storm to turn northwest, gradually curving more toward the U.S.
Hanna comes as New Orleans residents start to return home after fleeing Hurricane Gustav, which did less damage than feared but still caused serious flooding and could leave some in Louisiana without electricity for up to a month.
Plans changed Wednesday as the forecast did, with officials as far north as Washington, D.C., urging residents to prepare for the possibility of heavy winds and rain as forecasters said the storm might hit farther north than first expected.
In North Carolina, Gov. Mike Easley activated the North Carolina National Guard to help respond to the storm, with up to 270 troops expected in place by Friday. He said the storm could bring 10 inches of rain to the state and pleaded with residents to be prepared. Food and other emergency supplies are available at state emergency warehouses — examples of a state accustomed to responding to hurricanes.
"We have in place everything that we need," Easley said.
Cape Lookout National Seashore superintendent Russell Wilson ordered visitors to leave uninhabited islands at the park north of Wilmington, N.C., which will close at 5 p.m. Thursday.
Rangers at the Cape Hatteras National Seashore were pulling out hurricane plans and emergency planners along the state's southern coast were preparing.
"It's going to put our county in hurricane force winds for a while, which we weren't anticipating initially," said Mark Goodman, emergency management director in Onslow County on North Carolina's central coast, home to Camp Lejeune.
In South Carolina, schools planned to stay open and Horry County, closest to the projected path, was to close its emergency center overnight and reopen it Thursday morning.
While no evacuations were ordered Wednesday, Hanna already was disrupting other events. The Marines at Parris Island, S.C., moved their weekly recruit graduation up a day to Thursday. High schools rescheduled football games and the National Guard pushed up weekend exercises by two days in case troops get deployed to help along the coast. South Carolina restricted port operations. In North Carolina, Air Force bases sent planes to Ohio.
In Columbia, some 100 miles from Charleston, resident Gwendolyn Byous, 63, stocked up on supplies at a Wal-Mart.
"We have been so blessed over the past years that you never know," said Byous, who was buying water, canned meat and fruit cocktail. "I told my children drink the water that's in the faucet. That (bottled water) is only for emergencies."
But many were unimpressed by forecasts the storm could bring 80 mph winds as it neared land.
"I'm not evacuating. I don't have any concerns about it. We're going to stay," said Margarita Lynn, 58, as she walked her dogs along a road on Sullivans Island near Charleston.
Lynn said media and people not accustomed to the storms were the ones causing all the ruckus. She said she simply went to the store and bought a new tarp in case her roof was damaged.
Beachfront houses showed few signs a hurricane could be less than three days away. Windows were not boarded up and there was little activity under a blue, cloudless sky.
"We're not hysterical about things like this. We choose to live here," she said. "Every time there is a hurricane, people everywhere get hysterical about it."
Associated Press writers Jeffrey Collins, Page Ivey, Susanne M. Schafer and Katrina A. Goggins in Columbia; Russ Bynum in Savannah, Ga.; and Estes Thompson in Raleigh, N.C., contributed to this report.
(This version CORRECTS Onslow County is home to Camp Lejeune, not Fort Bragg.)
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Copyright © 2008 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.
Hanna May Become Hurricane Tomorrow, Aim at U.S. East Coast
Hanna May Become Hurricane Tomorrow, Aim at U.S. East Coast
By Demian McLean
Sept. 3 (Bloomberg) -- Tropical Storm Hanna may strengthen into a hurricane tomorrow and aim at the southeast coast of the U.S. later this week, after lashing Haiti and the Bahamas with torrential rains.
Farther east in the Atlantic Ocean, Ike strengthened into the season's fifth hurricane, with 80 mph (129 kph) winds.
Hanna was spinning in the Atlantic off Hispaniola's northern coast as of 5 p.m. Miami time, heading to the east of the central Bahamas, the National Hurricane Center said. Destructive winds extended 290 miles from the center, with sustained speeds of about 60 mph.
``Swells from Hanna are expected to increase the risk of dangerous rip currents along portions of the southeastern United States coast during the next couple of days,'' the hurricane center said in its advisory.
As much as 15 inches (38 centimeters) of rain is forecast to fall in Puerto Rico, as well as in Haiti and the Dominican Republic, where they may unleash life-threatening mudslides and flash floods, the advisory said.
Hanna may hit the U.S. East Coast this weekend in the Carolinas, then sweep northeast.
Florida declared an emergency as Hanna approached, and residents of Georgia were advised to monitor the storm's progress.
Hanna killed at least 26 people in Haiti, Agence France- Presse reported. The western hemisphere's poorest nation and neighboring Dominican Republic have been hit by Tropical Storm Fay and Hurricane Gustav in the past three weeks.
Haiti Flooding
Rains from Hanna had completely flooded Gonaives, a city of 300,000 people north of the capital Port-au-Prince, AFP reported.
Ike's winds strengthened from 70 mph a few hours earlier, crossing the threshold of 74 mph at which the system becomes a Category 1 hurricane, the center said.
The system was about 670 miles east-northeast of the Leeward Islands and moving west-northwest at about 18 mph. It is forecast to strengthen further in the next day and be northeast of Hispaniola by the weekend.
Tropical Storm Josephine weakened in the eastern Atlantic Ocean, 375 miles west of the Cape Verde Islands. Its winds slowed to 60 mph from 65 mph.
To contact the reporter on this story: Demian McLean in Washington at
Last Updated: September 3, 2008 17:18 EDT
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By Demian McLean
Sept. 3 (Bloomberg) -- Tropical Storm Hanna may strengthen into a hurricane tomorrow and aim at the southeast coast of the U.S. later this week, after lashing Haiti and the Bahamas with torrential rains.
Farther east in the Atlantic Ocean, Ike strengthened into the season's fifth hurricane, with 80 mph (129 kph) winds.
Hanna was spinning in the Atlantic off Hispaniola's northern coast as of 5 p.m. Miami time, heading to the east of the central Bahamas, the National Hurricane Center said. Destructive winds extended 290 miles from the center, with sustained speeds of about 60 mph.
``Swells from Hanna are expected to increase the risk of dangerous rip currents along portions of the southeastern United States coast during the next couple of days,'' the hurricane center said in its advisory.
As much as 15 inches (38 centimeters) of rain is forecast to fall in Puerto Rico, as well as in Haiti and the Dominican Republic, where they may unleash life-threatening mudslides and flash floods, the advisory said.
Hanna may hit the U.S. East Coast this weekend in the Carolinas, then sweep northeast.
Florida declared an emergency as Hanna approached, and residents of Georgia were advised to monitor the storm's progress.
Hanna killed at least 26 people in Haiti, Agence France- Presse reported. The western hemisphere's poorest nation and neighboring Dominican Republic have been hit by Tropical Storm Fay and Hurricane Gustav in the past three weeks.
Haiti Flooding
Rains from Hanna had completely flooded Gonaives, a city of 300,000 people north of the capital Port-au-Prince, AFP reported.
Ike's winds strengthened from 70 mph a few hours earlier, crossing the threshold of 74 mph at which the system becomes a Category 1 hurricane, the center said.
The system was about 670 miles east-northeast of the Leeward Islands and moving west-northwest at about 18 mph. It is forecast to strengthen further in the next day and be northeast of Hispaniola by the weekend.
Tropical Storm Josephine weakened in the eastern Atlantic Ocean, 375 miles west of the Cape Verde Islands. Its winds slowed to 60 mph from 65 mph.
To contact the reporter on this story: Demian McLean in Washington at
Last Updated: September 3, 2008 17:18 EDT
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Monday, September 1, 2008
Hurricane Hanna Churns Over Bahamas
Associated Press
September 2, 2008 12:00 a.m.
PROVIDENCIALES, Turks and Caicos -- Hurricane Hanna stalled for hours over the southeastern Bahamas on Monday, lashing the islands with fierce winds and rain. Forecasters said it could threaten the southeast United States by midweek.
Meanwhile, Tropical Storm Ike emerged as a new threat in the open sea, as the National Hurricane Center in Miami monitored three weaker weather systems moving westward across the Atlantic.
Hanna, with maximum sustained winds near 80 mph, lingered for much of the day near Mayaguana and nearby islands in the southeast Bahamas.
There were no immediate reports of injuries or major damage, but emergency teams were standing by and would begin assessing the situation once the storm has cleared, said Stephen Russell, interim director of the Bahamas National Emergency Management Agency.
"I'm quite certain there is going to be damage, particularly in Mayaguana," he said.
Hanna also was bringing strong winds, heavy rain and pounding surf to nearby islands, including Inagua and Crooked Island, and Turks and Caicos Islands to the south. It was expected to hit the southeastern U.S. later in the week.
"Right now, the uncertainty is such that it could hit anywhere from Miami to the outer banks of North Carolina," said Jessica Schauer Clark, a meteorologist at the U.S. National Hurricane Center. "So people really need to keep an eye on it."
Ike was approaching behind Hanna -- still about 1,400 miles out in the Atlantic Ocean, but expected to become a hurricane in the next 36 hours as it too approaches the Bahamas.
NASA was not taking any chances -- it announced a delay of at least a day in the planned move of the space shuttle Atlantis from an assembly building at Florida's Kennedy Space Center to the launch pad. The move had been scheduled for Tuesday in preparation for an October mission to the Hubble Space Telescope.
Florida state officials also were keeping nervous watch on Hanna and the weather behind it, careful not to overextend the assistance it provides to other Gulf Coast states dealing with Gustav.
Hanna's center was near the Caicos Islands on Monday evening. It was nearly stationary.
"The storm's on top of us right now and it's blowing really hard," said Miguel Campbell, a mechanic with the Bahamas Electricity Corp. on Mayaguana, where some 300 people were hunkered down.
Hanna's winds and rain reached all the way to Haiti, where thousands remain homeless in the wake of Gustav, which was downgraded to a tropical storm as it moved over central Louisiana late Monday.
In Puerto Rico, authorities said one man from Colombia was killed and a woman from Brazil was missing after they were swept away in a river swollen with rain from Hanna. The two were students at the University of Puerto Rico on a trip to the island's east.
Hanna was expected to bring up to 12 inches of rain to the Turks chain, a popular tourist destination with about 22,000 people.
Copyright © 2008 Associated Press
September 2, 2008 12:00 a.m.
PROVIDENCIALES, Turks and Caicos -- Hurricane Hanna stalled for hours over the southeastern Bahamas on Monday, lashing the islands with fierce winds and rain. Forecasters said it could threaten the southeast United States by midweek.
Meanwhile, Tropical Storm Ike emerged as a new threat in the open sea, as the National Hurricane Center in Miami monitored three weaker weather systems moving westward across the Atlantic.
Hanna, with maximum sustained winds near 80 mph, lingered for much of the day near Mayaguana and nearby islands in the southeast Bahamas.
There were no immediate reports of injuries or major damage, but emergency teams were standing by and would begin assessing the situation once the storm has cleared, said Stephen Russell, interim director of the Bahamas National Emergency Management Agency.
"I'm quite certain there is going to be damage, particularly in Mayaguana," he said.
Hanna also was bringing strong winds, heavy rain and pounding surf to nearby islands, including Inagua and Crooked Island, and Turks and Caicos Islands to the south. It was expected to hit the southeastern U.S. later in the week.
"Right now, the uncertainty is such that it could hit anywhere from Miami to the outer banks of North Carolina," said Jessica Schauer Clark, a meteorologist at the U.S. National Hurricane Center. "So people really need to keep an eye on it."
Ike was approaching behind Hanna -- still about 1,400 miles out in the Atlantic Ocean, but expected to become a hurricane in the next 36 hours as it too approaches the Bahamas.
NASA was not taking any chances -- it announced a delay of at least a day in the planned move of the space shuttle Atlantis from an assembly building at Florida's Kennedy Space Center to the launch pad. The move had been scheduled for Tuesday in preparation for an October mission to the Hubble Space Telescope.
Florida state officials also were keeping nervous watch on Hanna and the weather behind it, careful not to overextend the assistance it provides to other Gulf Coast states dealing with Gustav.
Hanna's center was near the Caicos Islands on Monday evening. It was nearly stationary.
"The storm's on top of us right now and it's blowing really hard," said Miguel Campbell, a mechanic with the Bahamas Electricity Corp. on Mayaguana, where some 300 people were hunkered down.
Hanna's winds and rain reached all the way to Haiti, where thousands remain homeless in the wake of Gustav, which was downgraded to a tropical storm as it moved over central Louisiana late Monday.
In Puerto Rico, authorities said one man from Colombia was killed and a woman from Brazil was missing after they were swept away in a river swollen with rain from Hanna. The two were students at the University of Puerto Rico on a trip to the island's east.
Hanna was expected to bring up to 12 inches of rain to the Turks chain, a popular tourist destination with about 22,000 people.
Copyright © 2008 Associated Press
Friday, August 29, 2008
Vice President Sarah Palin

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Sarah Palin
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Sarah Palin
Sarah Palin
Governor Sarah Palin
11th Governor of Alaska
Assumed office
December 4, 2006
Lieutenant Sean Parnell
Preceded by Frank Murkowski
Born February 11 1964 ( 1964-02-11) (age 44)
Sandpoint, Idaho
Political party Republican
Spouse Todd Palin
Residence Wasilla, Alaska
Alma mater University of Idaho
Profession Journalist
Religion Christian: Assemblies of God
Sarah Louise Heath Palin (IPA: /peɪlɪn/) (born February 11, 1964) is the current Governor of Alaska, and the presumptive 2008 Republican candidate for Vice President of the United States.[1] She will be the first female Vice Presidential candidate representing the Republican Party and the second female Vice Presidential candidate representing a major political party. She will be the first politician from Alaska to be nominated for Vice President.
Palin was born in Idaho and raised in Alaska. In 1984, she was the runner-up in the Miss Alaska pageant, receiving a scholarship that allowed her to attend the University of Idaho, where she received a degree in journalism. After working as a sports reporter at an Anchorage television station, Palin served two terms on the Wasilla, Alaska, City Council from 1992 to 1996, was elected mayor of Wasilla (population 5,470 in 2000) in 1996, and ran unsuccessfully for Lieutenant Governor in 2002. She was elected Governor of Alaska in 2006 by first defeating incumbent governor Frank Murkowski in the Republican primary, then former Democratic Alaskan governor Tony Knowles in the general election. She gained attention for publicizing ethical violations by state Republican Party leaders.[2]
* 1 Early life
* 2 Pre-gubernatorial political experience
* 3 Governorship
o 3.1 Energy policies
o 3.2 Social issues
o 3.3 Matanuska Maid Dairy closure
o 3.4 Budget
o 3.5 Commissioner dismissal
* 4 2008 Vice-presidential candidacy
* 5 Personal life
* 6 Electoral history
o 6.1 Election results
* 7 References
* 8 External links
[edit] Early life
Palin was born in Sandpoint, Idaho, the daughter of Charles and Sally (Sheeran) Heath.[3] Her family moved to Alaska when she was an infant.[4] Charles Heath was a science teacher and track coach.[4] The Heaths were avid outdoors enthusiasts; Sarah and her father would sometimes wake at 3 a.m. to hunt moose before school, and the family regularly ran 5k and 10k races.[4]
Palin was the point guard and captain for the Wasilla High School Warriors, in Wasilla, Alaska, when they won the Alaska small-school basketball championship in 1982; she earned the nickname "Sarah Barracuda" because of her intense play.[4] She played the championship game despite a stress fracture in her ankle, hitting a critical free throw in the last seconds.[4] Palin, who was also the head of the school Fellowship of Christian Athletes, would lead the team in prayer before games.[4]
In 1984, after winning the Miss Wasilla contest][5] earlier that year, Palin finished second in the Miss Alaska beauty pageant which won her a scholarship to help pay her way through college.[4] In the Wasilla pageant, she played the flute and also won Miss Congeniality.
Palin holds a bachelor's degree in journalism from the University of Idaho where she also minored in politics.
She briefly worked as a sports reporter for local Anchorage television stations while also working as a commercial fisherman with her husband, Todd, her high school sweetheart.[4] One summer when she was working on Todd's fishing boat, the boat collided with a tender while she was holding onto the railing; Palin broke several fingers.[4]
[edit] Pre-gubernatorial political experience
Palin served two terms on the Wasilla City Council from 1992 to 1996. In 1996, she challenged and defeated the incumbent mayor, criticizing wasteful spending and high taxes.[4] The ex-mayor and sheriff tried to organize a recall campaign, but failed.[4] Palin kept her campaign promises by reducing her own salary, as well as reducing property taxes by 60%.[4] She ran for reelection against the former mayor in 1999, winning by an even larger margin.[4][6] Palin was also elected president of the Alaska Conference of Mayors.[7]
In 2002, Palin made an unsuccessful bid for Lieutenant Governor, coming in second to Loren Leman in a four-way race. After Frank Murkowski resigned from his long-held U.S. Senate seat in mid-term to become governor, Palin interviewed to be his possible successor. Instead, Murkowski appointed his daughter, then-Alaska State Representative Lisa Murkowski.[4]
Governor Murkowski appointed Palin Ethics Commissioner of the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission,[8] where she served from 2003 to 2004 until resigning in protest over what she called the "lack of ethics" of fellow Alaskan Republican leaders, who ignored her whistleblowing complaints of legal violations and conflicts of interest.[4] After she resigned, she exposed the state Republican party's chairman, Randy Ruedrich, one of her fellow Oil & Gas commissioners, who was accused of doing work for the party on public time, and supplying a lobbyist with a sensitive e-mail.[9] Palin filed formal complaints against both Ruedrich and former Alaska Attorney General Gregg Renkes, who both resigned; Ruedrich paid a record $12,000 fine.[4]
[edit] Governorship
Governor Palin visits a wounded soldier in Landstuhl, Germany, July 2007
Governor Palin visits a wounded soldier in Landstuhl, Germany, July 2007
In 2006, Palin, running on a clean-government campaign, executed an upset victory over then-Gov. Murkowski in the Republican gubernatorial primary.[4] Despite the lack of support from party leaders and being outspent by her Democratic opponent, she went on to win the general election in November 2006, defeating former Governor Tony Knowles.[4] Palin said in 2006 that education, public safety, and transportation would be three cornerstones of her administration.[10]
When elected, Palin became the first woman to be Alaska's governor, and the youngest governor in Alaskan history at 42 years of age upon taking office. Palin was also the first Alaskan governor born after Alaska achieved U.S. statehood. She was also the first Alaskan governor not to be inaugurated in Juneau, instead choosing to hold her inauguration ceremony in Fairbanks. She took office on December 4, 2006.
Highlights of Governor Palin's tenure include a successful push for an ethics bill, and also shelving pork-barrel projects supported by fellow Republicans. Palin successfully killed the Bridge to Nowhere project that had become a nationwide symbol of wasteful earmark spending.[11][12] "Alaska needs to be self-sufficient, she says, instead of relying heavily on 'federal dollars,' as the state does today."[13]
She has challenged the state's Republican leaders, helping to launch a campaign by Lieutenant Governor Sean Parnell to unseat U.S. Congressman Don Young[14] and publicly challenging Senator Ted Stevens to come clean about the federal investigation into his financial dealings.[11]
In 2007, Palin had an approval rating often in the 90s.[13] A poll published by Hays Research on July 28, 2008 showed Palin's approval rating at 80%.[15]
[edit] Energy policies
Palin's tenure is noted for her independence from big oil companies, while still promoting resource development.[13][11] Palin has announced plans to create a new sub-cabinet group of advisors, to address climate change and reduce greenhouse gas emissions within Alaska.[16]
Shortly after taking office, Palin rescinded thirty-five appointments made by Murkowski in the last hour of his administration, including the appointment by Murkowski of his former chief of staff Jim Clark to the Alaska Natural Gas Development Authority.[17][18] Clark later pled guilty to conspiring with a defunct oil-field-services company to channel money into Frank Murkowski's re-election campaign.[19]
In March 2007, Palin presented the Alaska Gasline Inducement Act (AGIA) as the new legal vehicle for building a natural gas pipeline from the state's North Slope.[20] Only one legislator, Representative Ralph Samuels, voted against the measure,[21] and in June Palin signed it into law.[22][23] On January 5, 2008, Palin announced that a Canadian company, TransCanada Corp., was the sole AGIA-compliant applicant.[24][25]
In response to high oil and gas prices, and in response to the resulting state government budget surplus, Palin proposed giving Alaskans $100-a-month energy debit cards. She also proposed providing grants to electrical utilities so that they would reduce customers' rates.[26] She subsequently dropped the debit card proposal, and in its place she proposed to send Alaskans $1,200 directly and eliminate the gas tax.[27][28]
[edit] Social issues
Palin is strongly pro-life, a supporter of capital punishment,[29] and belongs to Feminists for Life.[10]
She opposes same-sex marriage, but she has stated that she has gay friends and is receptive to gay and lesbian concerns about discrimination.[10] While the previous administration did not implement same-sex benefits, Palin complied with an Alaskan state Supreme Court order and signed them into law.[30] She disagreed with the Supreme Court ruling[31] and supported a democratic advisory vote from the public on whether there should be a constitutional amendment on the matter.[32] Alaska was one of the first U.S. states to pass a constitutional ban on gay marriage, in 1998, along with Hawaii.[33] Palin has stated that she supported the 1998 constitutional amendment.[10]
Palin's first veto was used to block legislation that would have barred the state from granting benefits to the partners of gay state employees. In effect, her veto granted State of Alaska benefits to same-sex couples. The veto occurred after Palin consulted with Alaska's attorney general on the constitutionality of the legislation.[31]
[edit] Matanuska Maid Dairy closure
When the Alaska Creamery Board recommended closing Matanuska Maid Dairy, an unprofitable state-owned business, Palin objected, citing concern for the impact on dairy farmers and the fact that the dairy had just received $600,000 in state money. When Palin learned that only the Board of Agriculture and Conservation could appoint Creamery Board members, she simply replaced the entire membership of the Board of Agriculture and Conservation.[13][34] The new board, led by businesswoman Kristan Cole, reversed the decision to close the dairy.[34] The new board approved milk price increases offered by the dairy in an attempt to control fiscal losses, even though milk from Washington was already offered in Alaskan stores at lower prices.[35] In the end, the dairy was forced to close, and the state tried to sell the assets to pay off its debts but received no bids.[36][37]
[edit] Budget
In the first days of her administration, Palin followed through on a campaign promise to sell the Westwind II jet purchased (on a state government credit account) by the Murkowski administration. The state placed the jet for sale on eBay three times. In August 2007, the jet was sold for $2.1 million.[38]
Shortly after becoming governor, Palin canceled a contract for the construction on an 11-mile (18-kilometer) gravel road outside of Juneau to a mine. This reversed a decision made in the closing days or hours of the Murkowski Administration.[39]
In June 2007, Palin signed into law a $6.6 billion operating budget—the largest in Alaska's history.[40] At the same time, she used her veto power to make the second-largest cuts of the construction budget in state history. The $237 million in cuts represented over 300 local projects, and reduced the construction budget to nearly $1.6 billion.[41]
[edit] Commissioner dismissal
On July 11, 2008, Governor Palin dismissed Walter Monegan as Commissioner of Public Safety and instead offered him a position as executive director of the state Alcoholic Beverage Control Board, which he subsequently turned down.[42][43] Monegan alleged shortly after his dismissal that it may have been partly due to his reluctance to fire an Alaska State Trooper, Mike Wooten, who had been involved in a divorce and child custody battle with Palin's sister, Molly McCann.[44] In 2006, before Palin was governor, Wooten was briefly suspended for ten days for threatening to kill McCann's (and Palin's) father, tasering his 11-year-old stepson (at the stepson's request), and violating game laws. After a union protest, the suspension was reduced to five days.[45]
Governor Palin asserts that her dismissal of Monegan was unrelated to the fact that he had not fired Wooten, and asserts that Monegan was instead dismissed for not adequately filling state trooper vacancies, and because he "did not turn out to be a team player on budgeting issues."[46] Palin acknowledges that a member of her administration, Frank Bailey, did contact the Department of Public Safety regarding Wooten, but both Palin and Bailey say that happened without her knowledge and was unrelated to her dismissal of Monegan.[46] Bailey was put on leave for two months for acting outside the scope of his authority as the Director of Boards and Commissions.
In response to Palin's statement that she had nothing to hide, in August 2008 the Alaska Legislature hired Steve Branchflower to investigate Palin and her staff for possible abuse of power surrounding the dismissal, though lawmakers acknowledge that "Monegan and other commissioners serve at will, meaning they can be fired by Palin at any time."[47] The investigation is being overseen by Democratic State Senator Hollis French, who says that the Palin administration has been cooperating and thus subpoenas are unnecessary.[48] The Palin administration itself was the first to release an audiotape of Bailey making inquiries about the status of the Wooten investigation.[46][49]
Wooten and the police union alleged that the governor had improperly released his employment files in his divorce case. However, McCann's attorney released a signed waiver from Wooten demonstrating that Wooten had authorized the release of his files through normal discovery procedures.[50][51]
[edit] 2008 Vice-presidential candidacy
Main article: John McCain presidential campaign, 2008
See also: Republican Party (United States) vice presidential candidates, 2008
On August 29, 2008, Palin was announced as John McCain's running mate.[1] Palin's selection surprised many Republican officials who had speculated about other candidates, such as Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty, former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney, United States Senator Joseph Lieberman, and former Pennsylvania Governor Tom Ridge.[52]
[edit] Personal life
Palin's husband, Todd, is a Yup'ik Alaskan native.[4] Outside the fishing season, Todd works for BP energy corporation at an oil field on Alaska's North Slope[53] and is a champion snowmobiler, winning the 2000-mile "Iron Dog" race four times.[4] The two eloped shortly after Palin graduated from college; when they learned they needed witnesses for the civil ceremony, they recruited two residents from the old-age home down the street.[4] The Palin family lives in Wasilla, about 40 miles (64 km) north of Anchorage.[54]
On September 11, 2007, the Palins' eighteen-year-old son Track, eldest of five, joined the Army.[54] He now serves in an infantry brigade and will be deployed to Iraq in September 2008. She also has three daughters: Bristol, 17; Willow, 13; and Piper, 7.[7]
On April 18, 2008, Palin gave birth to her second son, Trig Paxson Van Palin, who has Down syndrome.[55] She returned to the office three days after giving birth.[11] Palin refused to let the results of prenatal genetic testing change her decision to have the baby. "I'm looking at him right now, and I see perfection," Palin said. "Yeah, he has an extra chromosome. I keep thinking, in our world, what is normal and what is perfect?"[11]
Details of Palin's personal life have contributed to her political image. She hunts, eats moose hamburger, ice fishes, rides snowmobiles, and owns a float plane.[13][56] Palin holds a lifetime membership with the National Rifle Association. She admits that she used marijuana when it was legal in Alaska, but says that she did not like it.[10]
[edit] Electoral history
[edit] Election results
2006 Gubernatorial Election, Alaska
Party Candidate Votes % ±%
Republican Sarah Palin 114,697 48.33 -7.6
Democratic Tony Knowles 97,238 40.97 +0.3
Independent Andrew Halcro 22,443 9.46 n/a
Alaskan Independence Don Wright 1,285 0.54 -0.4
Libertarian Billy Toien 682 0.29 -0.2
Green David Massie 593 0.25 -1.0
Write-ins 384 0.16 +0.1
Majority 17,459 7.36
Turnout 238,307 51.1
Republican hold Swing 4.0
Alaska Republican Gubernatorial Primary Election, 2006
Party Candidate Votes % ±%
Republican Sarah Palin 51,443 50.59 n/a
Republican John Binkley 30,349 29.84 n/a
Republican Frank Murkowski, Incumbent 19,412 19.09 n/a
Republican Merica Hlatcu 211 0.21 n/a
Republican Gerald Heikes 280 0.28 n/a
Majority 21,094 20.75 n/a
Turnout 101,695 n/a n/a
2002 race for Lieutenant Governor (primary)[57]
Party Candidate Votes % ±%
Republican Loren Leman 21,076 29% n/a
Republican Sarah Palin 19,114 27% n/a
Republican Robin Taylor 16,053 22% n/a
Republican Gail Phillips 13,804 19% n/a
Republican Paul Wieler 1,777 2% n/a
[edit] References
1. ^ a b "McCain picks Alaska governor as running mate" (2008-08-29). Retrieved on 2008-08-29.
2. ^ Kizzia, Tom (October 24, 2006). "Part 2: Rebel status has fueled front-runner's success". Anchorage Daily News.
3. ^ Ancestry of Sarah Palin by Robert Battle. Accessed 2008-08-26.
4. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u Johnson, Kaylene (2008). "Sarah: How a Hockey Mom Turned Alaska's Political Establishment Upside Down". Epicenter Press.
5. ^ [1]
6. ^ 2006 Campaign Tip Sheets: Alaska Governor
7. ^ a b ""About the Governor"". Biography. State of Alaska. Retrieved on 2007-12-27.
8. ^ Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission - Homepage (Redirect)
9. ^ | front : Palin explains her actions in Ruedrich case
10. ^ a b c d e Hopkins, Kyle (August 6, 2006). "Same-sex unions, drugs get little play", Anchorage Daily News. Retrieved on 2007-12-27.
11. ^ a b c d e Quinn, Steve (2007-05-10). "Alaska governor balances newborn's needs, official duties". Associated Press.
12. ^ "'Bridge to nowhere' abandoned", Associated Press via CNN 2007-09-22.
13. ^ a b c d e Barnes, Fred (July 16, 2007). "The Most Popular Governor", The Weekly Standard. Retrieved on 2007-12-27.
14. ^ Carlton, Jim. "Alaska's Palin Faces Probe" (2008-07-31).
15. ^ Alaska Statewide 'Opinion Counts' Survey Results, Retrieved on 2008-07-29
16. ^ Kizzia, Tom (April 12, 2007). "State aims to reduce emissions", Anchorage Daily News. Retrieved on 2007-12-27.
17. ^ "Palin Sacks Murkowski Crony Clark", Alaska Report (December 7, 2006). Retrieved on 2007-12-27.
18. ^ Sutton, Anne (2006-12-06). "Palin to examine last-hour job blitz", Associated Press.
19. ^ Richard, Mauer; Sean Cockerham (2008-03-05). "Murkowski staff chief pleads guilty", Anchorage Daily News, The McClatchy Company. Retrieved on 2008-04-19.
20. ^ ""Governor Palin Unveils the AGIA"". News & Announcements. State of Alaska (March 2, 2007). Retrieved on 2007-12-27.
21. ^ ""Palin to sign gas pipeline plan today"". News & Announcements. Alaska Legislature (June 6, 2007). Retrieved on 2008-02-26.
22. ^ ""Gov. Performs Ceremonial Signing of AGIA"". News & Announcements. State of Alaska (June 7, 2007). Retrieved on 2007-12-27.
23. ^ ""Bill History/Action for 25th Legislature: HB 177"". BASIS. Alaska State Legislature (June 7, 2007). Retrieved on 2007-12-27.
24. ^ Palin picks Canadian company for gas line: Gas Pipeline |
25. ^ | Alaska's news and information source | Canadian company meets AGIA requirements
26. ^ Cockerham, Sean. “Palin wants to give Alaskans $100 a month to use on energy”, Anchorage Daily News (2008-05-16).
27. ^ Cockerham, Sean.“Palin expected to drop energy debit card plan”, Anchorage Daily News (2008-06-18).
28. ^
29. ^ "PUBLIC SAFETY", Sarah on Issues, (November 7, 2006).
30. ^ McAllister, Bill (December 20, 2006). "Gay partners of state employees win benefits", KTUU News, KTUU-TV. Retrieved on 2007-12-27.
31. ^ a b "Alaska governor won't block partner benefits", (December 29, 2006). Retrieved on 2008-07-31.
32. ^ Demer, Lisa (December 21, 2006). "Palin to comply on same-sex ruling", Anchorage Daily News. Retrieved on 2007-12-27.
33. ^ Vestal, Christine (March 1, 2007 (updateSeptember d 20, 2007)). "Gay marriage decisions ripe in 2 courts", Retrieved on 2007-12-27.
34. ^ a b Komarnitsky, S. J. (July 4, 2007). "State board votes to replace Mat Maid CEO", Anchorage Daily News. Retrieved on 2008-01-06.
35. ^ Komarnitsky, S. J. (July 10, 2007). "Creamery Board approves milk price increase for dairy farmers", Anchorage Daily News. Retrieved on 2008-01-06.
36. ^ Komarnitsky, S. J. (August 30, 2007). "State to put Mat Maid dairy up for sale", Anchorage Daily News.
37. ^ "State gets no bids for Matanuska Maid", Anchorage Daily News (December 8, 2007). Retrieved on 2008-01-06.
38. ^ ""Jet That Helped Defeat an Alaska Governor Is Sold"". The New York Times (August 25, 2007). Retrieved on 2008-08-06.
39. ^ | Alaska's news and information source | Palin cancels contracts for pioneer road to Juneau
40. ^ Shinohara, Rosemary (July 16, 2007). "No vetoes here", Anchorage Daily News. Retrieved on 2007-12-27.
41. ^
42. ^ Resources from Anchorage Daily News regarding the Monegan affair.
43. ^ Hopkins, Kyle (2008-07-12). "Governor offered Monegan a different job", Anchorage Daily News, The McClatchy Company. Retrieved on 2008-08-21.
44. ^ Hollan, Megan (2008-07-19). "Monegan says he was pressured to fire cop", Anchorage Daily News, The McClatchy Company. Retrieved on 2008-07-22. : "Monegan said he still isn't sure why he was fired but thought that Wooten could be part of it."
45. ^ Demer, Lisa. Is Wooten a good trooper?, Anchorage Daily News (2008-07-27).
46. ^ a b c Cockerham, Sean. “Palin staff pushed to have trooper fired”, Anchorage Daily News (2008-08-14). Retrieved 2008-08-24.
47. ^ Quinn, Steve. "Lawmakers formally call for investigation into Palin's Public Safety firing", Associated Press via Daily News-Miner (2008-07-28). Retrieved 2008-08-24.
48. ^ “Subpoenas uncalled for in Wooten matter”, Anchorage Daily News (2008-08-16). Retrieved 2008-08-24.
49. ^ Palin press release with audio of Bailey call
50. ^
51. ^
52. ^
53. ^ Ross, Mike (August 21, 2007). "Mr. Palin goes back to Prudhoe", KTUU-TV. Retrieved on 2008-07-19.
54. ^ a b Associated Press (September 13, 2007). "Alaska Gov.'s Son Enlists in Army",, WTOP-FM. Retrieved on 2007-12-27.
55. ^ Alaska Superstation
56. ^ Arnold, Elizabeth. "Alaska's Governor Is Tough, Young — and a Woman",, National Public Radio. Retrieved on 2007-12-27.
57. ^ ""State of Alaska Primary Election - August 27, 2002: Official Results"". Division of Elections. The Office of Lieutenant Governor Sean Parnell (September 18, 2002). Retrieved on 2007-12-27.
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NAME Palin, Sarah Heath
ALTERNATIVE NAMES Heath, Sarah Louise; Palin, Sarah Louise
SHORT DESCRIPTION Governor of Alaska
DATE OF BIRTH February 11, 1964
PLACE OF BIRTH Sandpoint, Idaho
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Thursday, August 28, 2008
Tropical Storm Gustav nears hurricane strength Meanwhile, Hanna becomes the eighth named storm of the season
By MarketWatch
Last update: 5:09 p.m. EDT Aug. 28, 2008Comments: 49SAN FRANCISCO (MarketWatch) -- Tropical Storm Gustav neared hurricane strength early Thursday evening as it moved across Jamaica, and Tropical Storm Hanna became the eighth tropical storm of the Atlantic hurricane season.
Energy traders are keeping a watchful eye on Gustav's projected path, as the Gulf of Mexico is home to about a quarter of U.S. oil production, according to Reuters.
October crude fell $2.56 to close at $115.59 a barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange, retreating from a high of $119.30 after climbing 3% during a three-session winning streak. See Futures Movers.
In an advisory posted at 5 p.m. EDT, the National Hurricane Center reported that Gustav's center was about 15 miles east-northeast of Kingston, Jamaica.
The NHC expected Gustav to strengthen on Friday and Saturday and said it may become a hurricane again by Friday.
Gustav's maximum sustained winds remained near 70 miles an hour, compared with the 45 mph winds reported Wednesday night. A Category 1 hurricane has wind speeds of 74 to 95 mph.
Forecasters warned of potential flash floods and mudslides with Gustav expected to produce 6 to 12 inches of rain across Jamaica and the Cayman Islands.
A hurricane warning remains in effect for Jamaica, while a hurricane watch was in effect for the Cayman Islands and parts of Cuba.
Tropical Storm Hanna, with winds near 40 mph, was officially named Thursday morning and will likely see little change in strength over the next 24 hours, according to the hurricane center. It's currently about 260 miles northeast of the Northern Leeward Islands.
Hanna is expected to turn toward the northwest later Thursday or Friday and to be centered well to the northeast of the Bahamas during the next couple of days, the NHC said.
Flooding caused by Gustav killed 14 people on Haiti's southern peninsula and triggered landslides in the Dominican Republic that buried eight people, the Associated Press reported.
Gustav could become the first major hurricane in the Gulf since Wilma during the historic 2005 hurricane season, according to
"There is nothing in Gustav's path that will hinder development," said John Kocet, senior meteorologist with "There is a strong probability that it will be a Category 3 storm by the time it enters the Gulf, and it has the potential to strengthen into a Category 4 or 5 storm over the Gulf."
Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal declared a state of emergency on Wednesday ahead of the storm and urged residents to prepare for the worst.
"We are continuing to monitor this storm as state government agencies, including the State Police and the Louisiana National Guard, have been put on standby so we are ready to quickly respond if the storm heads our direction," he said.
Meanwhile, the Republican Party may hold off on its national convention next week if Tropical Storm Gustav turns into a hurricane and strikes the Gulf Coast, a spokesman for presumptive presidential nominee John McCain said Thursday. See full story.
Friday marks the three-year anniversary of Hurricane Katrina's landfall along the Gulf Coast.
Last update: 5:09 p.m. EDT Aug. 28, 2008Comments: 49SAN FRANCISCO (MarketWatch) -- Tropical Storm Gustav neared hurricane strength early Thursday evening as it moved across Jamaica, and Tropical Storm Hanna became the eighth tropical storm of the Atlantic hurricane season.
Energy traders are keeping a watchful eye on Gustav's projected path, as the Gulf of Mexico is home to about a quarter of U.S. oil production, according to Reuters.
October crude fell $2.56 to close at $115.59 a barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange, retreating from a high of $119.30 after climbing 3% during a three-session winning streak. See Futures Movers.
In an advisory posted at 5 p.m. EDT, the National Hurricane Center reported that Gustav's center was about 15 miles east-northeast of Kingston, Jamaica.
The NHC expected Gustav to strengthen on Friday and Saturday and said it may become a hurricane again by Friday.
Gustav's maximum sustained winds remained near 70 miles an hour, compared with the 45 mph winds reported Wednesday night. A Category 1 hurricane has wind speeds of 74 to 95 mph.
Forecasters warned of potential flash floods and mudslides with Gustav expected to produce 6 to 12 inches of rain across Jamaica and the Cayman Islands.
A hurricane warning remains in effect for Jamaica, while a hurricane watch was in effect for the Cayman Islands and parts of Cuba.
Tropical Storm Hanna, with winds near 40 mph, was officially named Thursday morning and will likely see little change in strength over the next 24 hours, according to the hurricane center. It's currently about 260 miles northeast of the Northern Leeward Islands.
Hanna is expected to turn toward the northwest later Thursday or Friday and to be centered well to the northeast of the Bahamas during the next couple of days, the NHC said.
Flooding caused by Gustav killed 14 people on Haiti's southern peninsula and triggered landslides in the Dominican Republic that buried eight people, the Associated Press reported.
Gustav could become the first major hurricane in the Gulf since Wilma during the historic 2005 hurricane season, according to
"There is nothing in Gustav's path that will hinder development," said John Kocet, senior meteorologist with "There is a strong probability that it will be a Category 3 storm by the time it enters the Gulf, and it has the potential to strengthen into a Category 4 or 5 storm over the Gulf."
Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal declared a state of emergency on Wednesday ahead of the storm and urged residents to prepare for the worst.
"We are continuing to monitor this storm as state government agencies, including the State Police and the Louisiana National Guard, have been put on standby so we are ready to quickly respond if the storm heads our direction," he said.
Meanwhile, the Republican Party may hold off on its national convention next week if Tropical Storm Gustav turns into a hurricane and strikes the Gulf Coast, a spokesman for presumptive presidential nominee John McCain said Thursday. See full story.
Friday marks the three-year anniversary of Hurricane Katrina's landfall along the Gulf Coast.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Glow-in-the-Dark Cats Could Make For a Unique Home Lighting Solution
screwing with nature, cat, glow in the dark, light
Glow-in-the-Dark Cats Could Make For a Unique Home Lighting Solution
Scientists at the Gyeongsang National University in South Korea have cloned cats that have the ability to glow-in-the dark when exposed to ultraviolet light. By inserting a virus into the skin cells of a mother cat and placing those contaminated cells into the womb, scientists were able to prove that it was possible to clone an animal with a manipulated gene. Apparently, this development could allow for a better understanding of human genetic diseases in the future. But what about the benefits of glowing cats?
If you ask me, cats that could truly glow-in-the-dark would make for an unique and styilsh night-light. And, much like the new Litrospheres, they last for about 12 years. The only downside is that the latter requires no power source while cats require a steady diet. Still, the crazy cat lady down the street could have the most power efficient house in town. [InventorSpot]
8:00 PM on Wed Dec 12 2007
By Sean Fallon
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Updated: Mysterious Crash Near Needles, California
“When it came down, that’s how I saw the shape of it –
by the turquoise-blue fire that was in front of it
that showed the oval shape.” - R. B.
KTOX 1340 AM Radio, Needles, California.
Owner and General Manager is David Hayes. Frank Costigan,
who is retired from airport police and operations management, does special
news reports for KTOX. David Hayes has known “R. B.,” the Colorado River
houseboat residence, for some time. Image courtesy KTOX Radio.

Needles, California, is the larger red circle;
Topock, Arizona, is the smaller red circle.
Copyright © 1999 - 2008 by Linda Moulton Howe.
All Rights Reserved.
Republication and redissemination of the contents of this screen or any part of this website are expressly prohibited without prior written consent.
Updated: Mysterious Crash Near Needles, California
© 2008 by Linda Moulton Howe
“When it came down, that’s how I saw the shape of it –
by the turquoise-blue fire that was in front of it
that showed the oval shape.” - R. B.
Needles, California, is the larger red circle;
Topock, Arizona, is the smaller red circle.
KTOX 1340 AM Radio, Needles, California.
Owner and General Manager is David Hayes. Frank Costigan,
who is retired from airport police and operations management, does special
news reports for KTOX. David Hayes has known “R. B.,” the Colorado River
houseboat residence, for some time. Image courtesy KTOX Radio.
Updates June 8, 2008:
National UFO Reporting Center Sighting Report
Occurred : 4/17/2002 03:30 (Entered as : 04/17/02 03:30)
Reported: 4/28/2002 6:29:44 PM
Posted: 3/11/2003
Location: Needles, CA
Shape: Circle
Duration: 10 seconds
“I was driving west on -I40, west of Needles, CA. about 3:30 am. There were many semi- trucks on the road who probably saw this, too. It is a very desolate desert area.
“Suddenly a bright blue light illuminated my whole car from above. Even though I was alone, I said, ‘What the hell is that?’ and had to lean forward to look up through my windshield. I saw a huge blue light streak from above my car off to the right side of the road. It stopped in mid air and appeared to be a extremely bright, icy blue colored ball. It then flashed even brighter and vanished. It did not hit the ground as say a meteor might. The only visible color was blue. I had no way to determine the real size or distance from me. A grapefruit held at arm's length was about the size of the ball as I could see it from my car. I am a professional artist and have never seen a UFO or anything like this before.”
Subject: Turquoise colored object I photographed
Date: June 6, 2008
“Hi Linda,
Your posting June 6, 2008 - Mysterious Crash Near Needles, California - immediately brought to my mind a series of pictures I had taken from the roof of my studio in Ohio when gathering cloud pictures for a project. The turquoise color mentioned in your report seems to fit the color in my photos. Feel free to ask Frank Costigan if this is what it looked like?
Notes about the 1997 photos:
1) The lens I used in the pictures was a Nikkor 28 mm 1:2.8.
2) The complex with a tall smoke stack that I was photographing is part of Battelle Memorial Institute (Battelle is an international science and technology enterprise). I find the close proximity to Battelle worthy of note.”
Early November 1997, Ohio: turquoise blue object caught while artist photographed clouds. Photographer: “(Turquoise object) moved up through 4 or 5 frames as I was doing a vertical panorama of the sky. There were several frames before the sequence without the turquoise object and after as well. I did not see it with my eyes through the view finder. It may have been there at the time. The size was pretty small so I could have missed it or it was not visible to the human eye. I only saw the object upon looking at the processed pictures. The image is in the negatives and not a blemish or scratch. It appears in different parts of each frame.”
June 6, 2008 Needles, California - On Wednesday, May 14, 2008, at 3 AM Pacific south of Needles, California, on the Colorado River near Topock, Arizona, a long-time houseboat resident was stunned to see a large, bright “fiery object” hurtling from the sky toward him. From the upper deck on his houseboat, “R. B.” was puzzled by the vivid turquoise-blue with touches of green he was seeing instead of reds, yellows and oranges in more normal fire. Despite the strange blue-green color, Ted thought perhaps he was watching a plane about to crash.
Ted did not know there was another eyewitness - Frank Costigan, retired former Superintendent of Operations and Police Chief at Los Angeles International Airport from 1978 to 1985 and Superintendent of Operations at Ontario International Airport in California from 1985 to 1986. Recently Frank Costigan has been doing special news investigations and reports for KTOX AM 1340 Radio in Needles, California.
At 3 AM on May 14, 2008, Frank had gotten up to let his Siamese cat out and went outside to look at the clear night sky. His home is about three miles east of the Colorado River. To his surprise, a large, bright object of many colors dominated by turquoise blue with some green was streaking through the sky toward the Colorado River area. Frank could also see some red and yellow colors like flames and expected to hear the huge boom of a crash impact.
“I thought I might hear something when it hit the ground because if it was as close as I thought it was and as big as it was, I thought I would hear something. But I did not hear anything. And it went out of my view before it hit the ground.”
But over on the Colorado River, R. B. was only about 400 yards from where the fiery turquoise-blue object hit the ground on the west side of the river. R. B. has requested anonymity because he’s afraid the U. S. government hurts people who report UFOs. He did not even want his voice recorded. R. B. has lived in a houseboat on the Colorado River for thirty some years. He was outside at 3 AM fishing when he saw the brilliant, turquoise-blue flaming object. When it hit the ground about 100 yards west of the river, he saw the whole thing bounce back up in the air with even more glowing red-yellow pieces around the big center object. And yet, he did not hear the crash sound he expected. “There was only a thump sound,” he told me.
But he was afraid that some kind of plane had crashed and urgently went down to the lower deck of his houseboat to get his cell phone and climbed back up to the top deck to get a satellite signal for his phone. When he had a signal, he kept dialing 911, but only got a busy signal. All of this took about seven minutes after the crash. Then to his complete amazement, John Smith heard the loud sound of a sky-hook, or skycrane, helicopter coming fast in the night sky. The next thing he knew, the still-glowing object was hooked underneath the skycrane and carried away rapidly.
I asked R. B. how big he thought the glowing object was? He said it was about the size of a 10,000-gallon tank truck – big and oval-shaped.
After the sun came up, David Hayes, the Owner and General Manager of KTOX AM 1340, was driving to work along I-40 in Needles, when he saw very unusual vehicles traveling together with black and white U. S. government license plates.
David Hayes, Owner and General Manager, KTOX AM 1340, Needles, California: “That same morning (May 14, 2008), when I drove to the KTOX station which is right along I-40 in Needles, I noticed strange vehicles coming off the freeway going west into Needles. The first one was a very strange, black vehicle that was 4-wheel drive, definitely looked like it had a very beefed up suspension. It had a grill on the front of it and a utility bed in the back that had some strange bumps and almost looked like a radar dome-shaped type thing on top of it. It was black and had a triangular bed on the back. It kind of looked stealthy.
Right behind it was a green van. Both had U. S. government license plates, the white with black letters. Behind those two, was a very long brand new stretch van also beefed up with government plates and a very serious man who I looked at and made eye contact with and he just stared me down. I was parallel with him on a frontage road as he was coming off the freeway and he slowed down to my speed. I was on a dirt road and going only 10 to 15 mph, when he could have been doing 40 mph over that bridge. He just got real slow and stared me down. I thought, ‘If you’re going to drive a Star Wars vehicle with U. S. government plates and not think people are not going to stare at you!?’ I just wondered why he was staring at me so intently. After that, Frank told me what he had seen falling in the sky from his place around 3 AM.
Then another friend of ours in the Laughlin, Nevada, airport area said that flights from McCarran Airport to Area 51 were coming in and landing throughout that day (May 14, 2008).
So, it was like, ‘Wow, this is pretty strange!’
One thing I’ll say about the government vehicles and the people in them is that they were very, very serious. In fact, it was suspiciously serious. That’s what got my ears perked up and when you put it all together.”
R. B.'s Experience in Colorado River Houseboat
R. B. has requested anonymity as one of many people who live in houseboats on the Colorado River and happened to be out fishing at 3 AM on Wednesday, May 14, 2008.
R. B.: “Never seen anything this dramatic come out of sky before. Have seen green-blue meteors, but this thing was bright, turquoise blue, almost like a lighter sky blue!
Arizona turquoise gemstone.

© 2008 by Linda Moulton Howe
Whatever crashed, I thought at the time it was a plane crashing.
No, because it was flaming.
Oh, yes, but a turquoise-blue fire with some green in it. And it hit the ground and bounced. But there were many other pieces – there were at least nine other pieces that bounced up in a circle around the turquoise blue-green object.
No, the main unit that looked like the size of a tanker truck hit. I was sitting on top of my boat fishing and listening to the radio like I do living out here on the Colorado River, but I saw it hit and thought, ‘My God, it has to be a plane that hit and bounced!’ Not like a ball, but it hit and came back up and went back down again. But there were other pieces that were coming with it. When it settled down, I couldn’t see it because of bushes between me on the river and where it came down.
More oval shaped. When it came down, that’s how I saw the shape of it – by the turquoise-blue fire that was in front of it that showed the oval shape.
Yes, about the size of a maybe a 10,000-gallon tank truck.
Because there was a huge fire in front of it as it was coming down.
No, they were more of a reddish color. But those smaller, glowing pieces did not appear until after the impact. It was like they broke off. The big object hit the ground at a tremendous speed.
No, actually, there was just a thump. It hit hard, but there was no crash sound. That’s when I saw the other pieces that flew off. I can’t believe I’m seeing this, and I had to go off the weather deck down to the main deck to get my phone because I thought a plane has crashed. There was no signal for my phone. Where I stay on the river, it’s hard to get a signal. So, I had to wait for a phone signal for maybe seven or eight minutes because a satellite was not there. Finally, I got a signal indication and I called 911, but there was no answer! My call would not go through. I kept getting a busy signal.
Skycrane Retrieved Large,
Still-Glowing, Oval-Shaped Crash Object
Anyway, that’s when I heard the rotors going overhead. There were no lights, but I know what a skycrane sounds like and I know what it looks like.
Skycrane hauling up interferometer housing at Mt. Wilson Observatory
in Los Angeles, California, in 1998. Image source: Erickson Air-Crane, Inc.
And that skycrane was with at least four smaller helicopters. The skycrane and the smaller helicopters surrounded the crashed object and the sky crane picked the thing up still glowing and off it went. From the time that object impacted to the time it was picked up was only about 17 minutes!
That’s the funny part. I could not figure that out. I was there trying to call 911 about an airplane crash and I went back up to get the phone signal and the skycrane already had the big object in the air! I could tell because it was still glowing – it was still red hot. And up it went toward the northwest at an extremely high rate of speed, from where I’m at, directly towards Las Vegas. When it was coming before it hit, the object had the turquoise-blue color to it. Then it hit and bounced and I went to get my phone. Then the skycrane came and as they were hauling the object off, it had a gold-orange hot glow to it.
Just in the front where it seemed to be wrinkled a bit. It was picked up either in a net or by cables, but they picked it up so quickly and flew it off so quickly.

They must have because the time from when it hit the ground to when they flew off with it was not more than about 17 minutes.
Approximately less than 400 yards.
Coming from straight up to straight down on the west side, California side, of the Colorado River.
No, the only thing that happened is that one of those small helicopters circled around my boat, shone a blue beam down that night, and then flew off.
KTOX Weekly Tuesday Guest Questioned
On Tuesday, May 27, 2008, David Hayes at KTOX hosted his regular morning radio program. Since May 14, he has talked about Frank Costigan's and R. B.'s fiery turquoise sighting and R. B.'s crash account. On May 27, David Hayes made a radio appeal for any other eyewitnesses to call KTOX and asked R. B. if he would call David again off air.
On May 27th, the KTOX regular weekly guest to discuss politics was Toni Sagan, a member of the local River Valley Democratic Club. Her radio topic was the Barack Obama and Hilary Clinton battle for the presidential nomination. Toni told me she did not absorb the details about R. B.'s experience during the radio broadcast and was very surprised at the Democratic Club meeting that week when a well-dressed stranger approached her at the meeting and began asking questions about the crash.
Toni told me the stranger called himself “Phil” and asked her if she knew R. B. She said she did not. Phil asked her if she knew any details from the off air conversation between David Hayes and R. B. off air. Toni told Phil she had no information. Phil sounded irritated and asked her if she heard any discussion about whether the object was on fire, what color it was, how big it was, did it splash in the river, who came to get it and where did R. B. live?
Toni Sagan told Phil she knew nothing about the crashed object or R. B., which further irritated him to say, ‘But you were sitting right there during the broadcast. Didn't you hear any discussion with R. B.?’
Toni was puzzled by the stranger's impatient interrogation during a Democratic Party meeting. The last she saw of Phil was his leaving the room to have a cigarette outside and he never returned. “Who do you think he was?” Toni asked. “His clothes were too neat and nice for Bullhead country here and his hair was cut short and neat. Do you think he was working for the military or government? If so, why would he ask me questions? It's David who runs KTOX and knows R. B.”
If any Earthfiles viewers have more information about the fiery turquoise-blue, oval-shaped object that crashed on the western side of the Colorado River south of Needles, California, near Topoc, Arizona, at 3 AM on Wednesday, May 14, 2008, please email me: Confidentiality is always honored.

More Information:
For further information about unidentified aerial objects, please see my books and documentaries in the Earthfiles Shop and Earthfiles Archive reports listed below:
• 05/20/2008 — High Strangeness in Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada
• 05/06/2008 — Viewer Comments on Decatur, Alabama, White Sphere Incident
• 05/06/2008 — What Are the Strange “Pearls” in Google Map Images?
• 04/29/2008 — Part 1: Insights from An Experiencer with Greys and Blond Humanoids
• 04/24/2008 — Strange Aerial Lights Like Texas - But Now Photographed in Indiana, Illinois, and Massachusetts
• 04/23/2008 — Four Red, Unidentified Lights Change Patterns Over North Phoenix
• 04/07/2008 — Part 1: Bizarre Objects Caught by Illinois and Missouri Game Trail Cameras
• 04/07/2008 — Part 2: Bizarre Objects Caught by Illinois and Missouri Game Trail Cameras
• 04/06/2008 — Final Part 10: Real X-File, Source Unknown
• 04/02/2008 — Part 9 - Real X-File, Source Unknown
• 03/31/2008 — Mysterious Aerial Spheres: Letters to Earthfiles
• 03/30/2008 — Part 8 - Real X-File, Source Unknown
• 03/28/2008 — Deer Mutilation in Longs, South Carolina, Two Helicopters and Large, White Sphere
• 03/20/2008 — Part 7 - Real X-File, Source Unknown
• 03/15/2008 — Part 6 - Real X-File, Source Unknown
• 03/08/2008 — Part 5: Real X-File, Source Unknown
• 03/07/2008 — Mysterious Aerial “Drones” - Oklahoma and Arkansas
• 03/04/2008 — Part 4: Real X-File, Source Unknown
• 03/03/2008 — Updated Part 1: Real X-File, Source Unknown
• 03/02/2008 — Part 2: Real X-File, Source Unknown
• 03/02/2008 — Part 3: Real X-File, Source Unknown
• 02/26/2008 — Viewer Comments About Infrared Cameras, Aerial Symbols and Lights
• 02/22/2008 — Updated: Three Eyewitnesses in Selden, Texas, Saw Two, Large Rectangles of “White Flames” in Sky
• 02/22/2008 — Updated: More Aerial “Symbols” Photographed Over Dublin, Texas
• 02/22/2008 — Abductee Jim Sparks Comments On Alien Symbol Technology
• 02/14/2008 — Update: Mysterious Symbols Projected in Night Sky by Aerial Disc Near Stephenville, Texas, Local Airport
• 02/08/2008 — Law Officers Describe Unidentified Shape-Shifting Aerial Craft in Stephenville, Texas, Region
• 01/28/2008 — Updated 01-28-08: Viewer Letters About Aerial Craft and Military Flyovers Above Dublin, Stephenville and Selden, Texas
• 01/24/2008 — Part 17, Final: In League With A UFO, Interview with Lou Baldin
• 01/18/2008 — Updated: Huge Aerial Craft Over Dublin, Texas, “Longer Than 3 Football Fields”
• 01/15/2008 — Updated: More Sky Spiral Mysteries in Iraq, Canada and Germany
• 01/13/2008 — Part 16: In League With A UFO, Interview with Lou Baldin
• 01/11/2008 — Canadian "Disc" and Smoke Spiral Still A Mystery
• 01/07/2008 — Part 15: In League With A UFO
• 01/05/2008 — Part 14: In League With A UFO
• 01/02/2008 — Part 13: In League With A UFO
• 12/29/2007 — Part 12: In League With A UFO
• 12/27/2007 — Updated - Part 11: In League With A UFO
• 12/22/2007 — Part 10: In League With A UFO
• 12/20/2007 — Updated: Viewer Letters About Secret American Military Space Program
• 12/18/2007 — Part 9: In League With A UFO
• 12/16/2007 — Part 8: In League With A UFO
• 12/14/2007 — Part 7: In League With A UFO
• 12/12/2007 — Part 6: In League With A UFO
• 12/11/2007 — More Confirmation of May 1974 Discs in Albuquerque and Huge Cylinder Craft At White Sands Proving Ground.
• 12/08/2007 — Another Eyewitness to Glowing Disc and Military Security in Albuquerque, New Mexico
• 12/07/2007 — Part 2: Secret American Military Space Program?
• 12/03/2007 — Part 5: In League With A UFO
• 12/01/2007 — Part 1: Secret American Military Space Program?
• 11/29/2007 — Part 1: Glowing Disc Encounter with Military in Albuquerque, NM
• 11/29/2007 — Part 2: Glowing Disc Encounter with Military in Albuquerque, NM
• 11/29/2007 — Part 3: Glowing Disc Encounter with Military in Albuquerque, NM
• 11/25/2007 — Part 4: In League With A UFO
• 11/21/2007 — Part 3: In League With A UFO
• 11/20/2007 — Do Black Budget Trillions Support A Secret American Space Program?
• 11/14/2007 — Part 2: In League With A UFO
• 11/08/2007 — More Unusual Animal Deaths
• 11/06/2007 — Part 1: In League With A UFO
• 10/31/2007 — Part 5: Elk Hunter Meets Non-Human
• 10/29/2007 — Part 4: Elk Hunter Meets Non-Human
• 10/25/2007 — Part 3: Elk Hunter Meets Non-Human
• 10/21/2007 — Viewer Comments About Big Triangles and Lights - In Conflict?
• 10/17/2007 — Updated: Half Cat Mutilations Persist in San Antonio, Texas
• 10/14/2007 — Part 2: Elk Hunter Meets Non-Human
• 10/08/2007 — Part 1: Elk Hunter Meets Non-Human
• 09/28/2007 — Earthfiles Mail About Cat Mutilations
• 09/26/2007 — Neatly Sliced Front Third of 14 Cats Found in Granbury, Texas
• 09/20/2007 — Part 2: Psi Spies - True Story of America's Psychic Warfare Program
• 09/16/2007 — Part 5: Military Insiders Comment About Zeta Reticuli and EBENs
• 09/14/2007 — Part 1: Psi Spies - True Story of America's Psychic Warfare Program
• 09/11/2007 — Part 4: Military Insiders Comment About Zeta Reticuli and EBENs
• 09/07/2007 — Part 3: Military Insiders Comment About Zeta Reticuli and EBENs
• 09/05/2007 — Part 2: Military Insiders Comment About Zeta Reticuli and EBENs
• 08/31/2007 — Part 1: Betty and Barney Hill: Captured!
• 08/31/2007 — Part 2: Betty and Barney Hill: Captured!
• 08/30/2007 — Part 1: Military Insiders Comment About Zeta Reticuli and EBENs
• 08/24/2007 — Orange-Red "Fiery" Aerial Spheres
• 08/17/2007 — Two Bulls and Several Cows Dead and Mutilated in Manitoba, Canada
• 08/01/2007 — Part 3, Non-Human Blonds, Greys and Big-Nosed, Cat-Eyed Lizards
• 07/31/2007 — Part 2, Non-Human Blonds, Greys and Big-Nosed, Cat-Eyed Lizards
• 07/28/2007 — Clarifications and Comments by Isaac
• 07/28/2007 — Mysterious Aerial Lights Over Stratford-upon-Avon, July 14, and Farnborough, Hampshire, on July 22, 2007
• 07/27/2007 — Updated: Part 1: 1,033-Foot-Long East Field Wheat Formation "Happened Within 90 Minutes."
• 07/26/2007 — Part 1, Non-Human Blonds, Lizards and Big-Nosed, Cat-Eyed Greys
• 07/23/2007 — 070707 East Field Wheat Formation: Viewer Comments
• 07/14/2007 — Schofield Barracks, Oahu, Hawaii - Huge, Lime Green Oval Craft Hovered Over Battalion Headquarters
• 07/13/2007 — Iowa Minister Reports Large "Crab/Scorpion" Creature Attacked Cow
• 06/26/2007 — Part 1: Explanation of the Recent "Strange Craft" Sightings
• 06/22/2007 — Dragonfly "Drone" Seen October 1995 in Arizona
• 06/18/2007 — Crop Circles On Rings and Three Mysterious Aerial Lights in Slovenia
• 06/17/2007 — More Big Basin, California, Bizarre "Drone" Images
• 06/15/2007 — Part 1: Northridge, California, Aerial "Drone" Eyewitness On the Record
• 06/15/2007 — Part 2 - Star Wars Physicist Edward Teller, Outer Space Menace And Remotely Piloted Vehicles (RPVs)
• 06/13/2007 — Into the Unknown with George Noory
• 06/08/2007 — More Drone Photos and Other Eyewitnesses
• 05/30/2007 — Birmingham-Type "Drone" Seen At Barksdale AFB, Louisiana, in Mid-1980s
• 05/29/2007 — Final Part 7: Eyewitness Links Animal Mutilations to Non-Humans
• 05/28/2007 — Letters About Unidentified "Drone" Aerial Objects
• 05/25/2007 — Two More Eyewitnesses of Aerial "Drones" in 2005 and 2006
• 05/21/2007 — Updated: Odd Aerial "Drone"? Photographed Again Over Capitola, California
• 05/16/2007 — Updated: Odd Aerial "Drones"? Over Lake Tahoe and Central California
• 05/16/2007 — Updated: Engineer Comments About Odd Aerial "Drones"? Over Lake Tahoe and Central California
• 05/11/2007 — CIA Origin of National Enquirer?
• 04/20/2007 — 2006 Human Encounter with Translucent Entity
• 04/18/2007 — Part 1: Eyewitness Links Animal Mutilations to Non-Humans
• 03/16/2007 — Tenth Anniversary of March 1997 Phoenix Lights: What Was the 2-Mile-Long Triangular Craft?
• 03/14/2007 — Part 5: Mysterious Events At 2005 Tawsmead Copse "Insectogram" Crop Formation
• 03/13/2007 — Part 4: Mysterious Events At 2005 Tawsmead Copse "Insectogram" Crop Formation
• 03/09/2007 — Zones of Fear and Diamond-Shaped Aerial Light
• 02/27/2007 — Part 1: Mysterious Events At 2005 Tawsmead Copse "Insectogram" Crop Formation
• 02/14/2007 — Part 3: Tappen, North Dakota, High Strangeness Provokes Many Emails from Viewers and Listeners
• 02/11/2007 — Part 1: Tappen, North Dakota, High Strangeness Provokes Many Emails from Viewers and Listeners
• 02/10/2007 — Part 12: Inside Saucer Post ...3-0 Blue
• 02/08/2007 — Why Do UFOs Sometimes Play Cat and Mouse with Humans?
• 02/07/2007 — Part 11: Inside Saucer Post ...3-0 Blue
• 01/30/2007 — Part 10: Inside Saucer Post ...3-0 Blue
• 01/16/2007 — Part 9: Inside Saucer Post ...3-0 Blue
• 01/02/2007 — Grey Aerial Disk Reported by Chicago O'Hare United Airlines Pilots and Mechanics
• 12/27/2006 — Part 7: Inside Saucer Post ...3-0 Blue
• 12/18/2006 — Part 6: Inside Saucer Post ...3-0 Blue
• 12/14/2006 — Abductee Jim Sparks's Encounter with Reptillian Beings, Their Warning and Possible Agenda
• 12/11/2006 — Part 5: Inside Saucer Post ...3-0 Blue
• 12/06/2006 — Part 4: Inside Saucer Post ...3-0 Blue
• 11/28/2006 — Part 2: Inside Saucer Post ...3-0 Blue
• 11/27/2006 — Inside Saucer Post ...3-0 Blue © 1957 by Leonard H. Stringfield
• 11/03/2006 — Another UFO Retaliation to Radar Lock On - 2003
• 10/28/2006 — Close UFO Encounter by USAF Eyewitnesses
• 10/26/2006 — Norwegian Crashed Disc and Other High Strangeness
• 10/19/2006 — UFO Retaliation to U. S. Army Radar Lock On in Florida, 1967
• 10/14/2006 — Big Sorghum Circle in Beloit, Kansas
• 10/11/2006 — Part 2: Time Travel, Insights from USAF Sergeant and UFO Abductee
• 10/08/2006 — Part 1: Time Travel, Insights from USAF Sergeant and UFO Abductee
• 10/07/2006 — Updated: 1953 Kinross AFB Mystery: F-89 Found in Lake Superior
• 10/02/2006 — Unusual Deaths of Six Female Goats in White Salmon, Washington
• 09/29/2006 — Manipulation of Time and Matter by Non-Humans: The Experiences of Jim Sparks
• 09/20/2006 — Updated: Three Sets of Concentric Rings in South Texas Field
• 09/20/2006 — Animal Mutilations Increase Again in Argentina
• 09/16/2006 — Disc Crash At Cedar Breaks Radar Site, Utah
• 09/05/2006 — Part 2: "Alphonso Lorenzo" - Military Visitor to Another Planet?
• 09/04/2006 — Part 1: "Alphonso Lorenzo" - Military Visitor to Another Planet?
• 07/17/2006 — Area 29 - A Reverse Engineering Center of E. T. Technology?
• 07/01/2006 — Cattle Mutilation and Glowing Discs in Saskatchewan, Canada
• 06/30/2006 — Celestial Secrets: The Hidden History of the Fatima Cover-Up
• 06/29/2006 — Another Horse Suspended in the Air
• 06/28/2006 — Half Cats in Destin, Florida, and Beheaded Animals in Rochester, N. Y.
• 06/22/2006 — Horse Suspended in Mid-Air Near Milan, Italy, Apartment
• 06/18/2006 — Viewer Letters About NASA Airbrushing Photos; EBENs and Reptilian Humanoids
• 06/13/2006 — Mysterious Triangle-Shaped Welts and Bruises
• 06/08/2006 — Part 2: Unexplained Phenomenon of Sudden Human-to-Reptile "Replacement"
• 06/07/2006 — Gary McKinnon: An Electronic "Robin Hood"?
• 05/05/2006 — Military Man's Description of EBE Telepathic Download
• 04/13/2006 — High Strangeness In Skies Near White Sands Missile Range
• 04/03/2006 — Genetic Harvest in Cimarron, New Mexico?
• 03/23/2006 — Part 15 - Peculiar Phenomenon: Early United States Efforts to Collect and Analyze Flying Discs
• 03/23/2006 — Part 2: U.S. Navy Chief Yeoman Describes "Extraterrestrial Biological Entities" in TOP SECRET/MAJIC Photographs
• 02/28/2006 — Part 13 - Peculiar Phenomenon: Early United States Efforts to Collect and Analyze Flying Discs
• 02/27/2006 — Part 4: Military Voices Reply About Government Interaction with UFOs
• 02/23/2006 — Huge Boomerang Craft and Blond Beings
• 02/22/2006 — Part 3: Military Voices Reply About Government Interaction with UFOs
• 02/21/2006 — Part 2: Military Voices Reply About Government Interaction with UFOs
• 02/17/2006 — Updated: White Sands Navy Radar Operator Saw Discs Circle V-2 Rocket Launches
• 02/13/2006 — Mysterious, Aerial Bars of Light Near Brawley, California
• 02/10/2006 — NORAD "Fast Walkers" and "Men In Black"
• 02/10/2006 — Crashed Disc Photos, "Ebens," and Area 51 "Anti-Gravity"
• 02/07/2006 — Military Voices Reply About Government Interaction with UFOs.
• 02/05/2006 — Part 11 - Peculiar Phenomenon: Early United States Efforts to Collect and Analyze Flying Discs
• 01/27/2006 — Part 2: Navy Physicist and USAF Geophysicist Discuss UFOs and ETs
• 01/20/2006 — Part 1: Navy Physicist and USAF Geophysicist Discuss UFOs and ETs
• 01/17/2006 — Part 9 - Peculiar Phenomenon: Early United States Efforts to Collect and Analyze Flying Discs
• 01/13/2006 — 31st Cattle Mutilation on Red Bluff, California Ranch
• 12/21/2005 — Updated: Part 2 - Peculiar Phenomenon, Early United States Efforts to Collect and Analyze Flying Discs
• 12/02/2005 — Abduction by Grey ETs in Huge, Black Triangle
• 12/02/2005 — Former Canadian Minister of Defence Calls for Public Parliament Hearings About UFOs and Extraterrestrials
• 11/11/2005 — Part 3: An Alleged 1953 UFO Crash and Burial Near Garrison, Utah
• 11/10/2005 — Part 2: An Alleged 1953 UFO Crash and Burial Near Garrison, Utah
• 11/02/2005 — Part 3: Unusual Animal Deaths -Sheep Mutilations in Moortown, Dartmoor, England
• 10/27/2005 — Updated: Five "Satellites" That Merged As One Star
• 10/25/2005 — Part 6 - Final: Retrievals of the Third Kind - A Case Study of Alleged UFOs and Occupants in Military Custody
• 10/13/2005 — Part 5: Retrievals of the Third Kind - A Case Study of Alleged UFOs and Occupants in Military Custody
• 10/07/2005 — Part 1: Beam Technology Lifted Body Near Ft. Stewart, Georgia
• 10/05/2005 — Part 4: Retrievals of the Third Kind - A Case Study of Alleged UFOs and Occupants in Military Custody
• 10/04/2005 — "Stars" That Move In Patterns
• 09/30/2005 — Part 3: Retrievals of the Third Kind - A Case Study of Alleged UFOs and Occupants in Military Custody
• 09/26/2005 — Part 2: Retrievals of the Third Kind - Kingman, Arizona Crash
• 09/25/2005 — Part 1: Retrievals of the Third Kind - A Case Study of Alleged UFOs and Occupants in Military Custody
• 09/19/2005 — Final Part 9: The UFO Crash/Retrieval Syndrome: Status Report II - New Sources, New Data
• 09/17/2005 — Part 8: The UFO Crash/Retrieval Syndrome: Status Report II - New Sources, New Data
• 09/15/2005 — Animal Mutilations Reported in Switzerland, Hollywood and Kansas
• 09/14/2005 — Part 7: The UFO Crash/Retrieval Syndrome: Status Report II - New Sources, New Data
• 09/09/2005 — Rock Stars and Extraterrestrials
• 09/08/2005 — Canadian UFO Researcher Blocked by U. S. Homeland Security From Speaking at NUFOC Conference, Hollywood
• 09/06/2005 — Part 6: The UFO Crash/Retrieval Syndrome: Status Report II - New Sources, New Data
• 08/26/2005 — Another Cattle Mutilation in Canada
• 08/22/2005 — Part 5: The UFO Crash/Retrieval Syndrome: Status Report II - New Sources, New Data
• 08/17/2005 — Part 4: The UFO Crash/Retrieval Syndrome: Status Report II - New Sources, New Data
• 07/29/2005 — Bentwaters and Rendlesham Forest Mystery Beyond December 1980
• 07/23/2005 — Mystery of Six Grass Circle Formations in North Carolina
• 07/20/2005 — Part 3: The UFO Crash/Retrieval Syndrome: Status Report II - New Sources, New Data
• 07/14/2005 — Part 2: The UFO Crash/Retrieval Syndrome: Status Report II - New Sources, New Data
• 07/12/2005 — Part 1: The UFO Crash/Retrieval Syndrome: Status Report II - New Sources, New Data
• 07/05/2005 — Part 15: UFO Crash/Retrievals: Status Report III - Amassing The Evidence
• 06/23/2005 — Updated: More Than 3,000 Unusual Animal Deaths Reported in Argentina and Chile Since 2002
• 06/20/2005 — Part 14: UFO Crash/Retrievals: Status Report III - Amassing The Evidence
• 06/17/2005 — Unusual Cow Death in Paradise Hill, Saskatchewan, Canada
• 06/17/2005 — Part 13: UFO Crash/Retrievals: Status Report III - Amassing The Evidence
• 05/26/2005 — Part 1 - Brazilian Air Force Opens Its UFO Files to Public
• 05/20/2005 — May 2005 Crop Formation Update in Six Countries
• 05/10/2005 — Part 12: UFO Crash/Retrievals: Status Report III - Amassing The Evidenc
• 05/04/2005 — Part 11: UFO Crash/Retrievals: Status Report III - Amassing The Evidence
• 04/28/2005 — Dozens of Unidentified Aerial Objects Videotaped Over Sonora, California
• 04/19/2005 — Part 10: UFO Crash/Retrievals: Status Report III - Amassing The Evidence © June 1982 by Leonard H. Stringfield
• 04/18/2005 — Part 9: UFO Crash/Retrievals: Status Report III - Amassing The Evidence © June 1982 by Leonard H. Stringfield
• 04/17/2005 — 1949 Aerial Disc Covered-Up By Project Blue Book As "Kite"
• 04/14/2005 — "Battle of Los Angeles" On February 25, 1942: When America's 37th Coast Artillery Brigade Fired Off 1,430 Anti-Aircraft Shells At A UFO
• 04/13/2005 — Highly Strange Dog Death in Arkansas; 2000-Pound Bull Dropped On Log Pile and Calf Skinned
• 04/05/2005 — Part 8: UFO Crash/Retrievals: Status Report III - Amassing The Evidence
• 03/28/2005 — Part 7: UFO Crash/Retrievals: Status Report III - Amassing The Evidence © June 1982 by Leonard H. Stringfield
• 03/24/2005 — Part 6: UFO Crash/Retrievals: Status Report III - Amassing The Evidence
• 03/22/2005 — Part 5: UFO Crash/Retrievals: Status Report III - Amassing The Evidence © June 1982 by Leonard H. Stringfield
• 03/13/2005 — Part 4: UFO Crash/Retrievals: Status Report III - Amassing The Evidence
• 03/08/2005 — Flying Disc Paced Airliner Over Puget Sound Navy Yard
• 03/07/2005 — Part 3: UFO Crash/Retrievals: Status Report III - Amassing The Evidence
• 03/03/2005 — Part 2: UFO Crash/Retrievals: Status Report III - Amassing The Evidence © June 1982 by Leonard H. Stringfield
• 03/01/2005 — Part 1: UFO Crash/Retrievals: Status Report III - Amassing The Evidence © June 1982 by Leonard H. Stringfield
• 02/23/2005 — FINAL Part 4: UFO Crash/Retrievals: Status Report IV - Fatal Encounter At Ft. Dix-McGuire
• 02/21/2005 — Updated - Bull and Cow Mutilations Northwest of Corpus Christi, Texas
• 02/19/2005 — Part 3: UFO Crash/Retrievals: Status Report IV - Fatal Encounter At Ft. Dix-McGuire
• 02/13/2005 — Part 1: UFO Crash/Retrievals: Status Report IV - Fatal Encounter At Ft. Dix-McGuire
• 02/11/2005 — Story Behind "Inflation-Theory Implications for Extraterrestrial Visitation"
• 02/07/2005 — FINAL Part 3: UFO Crash/Retrievals: Status Report V - Is The Cover-Up Lid Lifting?
• 02/04/2005 — Part 2: UFO Crash/Retrievals: Status Report V - Is The Cover-Up Lid Lifting?
• 01/30/2005 — Part 1: UFO Crash/Retrievals: Status Report V - Is The Cover-Up Lid Lifting?
• 01/26/2005 — Final Part 28: UFO Crash/Retrievals: The Inner Sanctum - Status Report VI © July 1991 by Leonard H. Stringfield
• 01/17/2005 — Part 27: UFO Crash/Retrievals: The Inner Sanctum - Status Report VI © July 1991 by Leonard H. Stringfield
• 01/15/2005 — Part 26: UFO Crash/Retrievals: The Inner Sanctum - Status Report VI © July 1991 by Leonard H. Stringfield
• 01/15/2005 — Bull and Cow Mutilations Northwest of Corpus Christi, Texas
• 01/11/2005 — Part 25: UFO Crash/Retrievals: The Inner Sanctum - Status Report VI © July 1991 by Leonard H. Stringfield
• 01/04/2005 — Part 23: UFO Crash/Retrievals: The Inner Sanctum - Status Report VI © July 1991 by Leonard H. Stringfield
• 12/30/2004 — September 12, 1952: America's "Secret War"? Part 1: UFO Retrieval in Flatwoods, West Virginia
• 12/30/2004 — September 12, 1952: America's "Secret War"? Part 2: USAF Starfire Disappeared Over Gulf of Mexico
• 12/30/2004 — September 12, 1952: America's "Secret War"? Part 3: Nuclear Physicist Stanton Friedman Comments
• 12/30/2004 — Audience Feedback About Earthfiles "September 12, 1952: America's 'Secret War'?"
• 12/22/2004 — Part 1: "Reasons Why U.S. Government CAN'T Release Truth About UFOs!" with Canadian Researcher, Grant Cameron
• 12/22/2004 — Part 2: "Reasons Why U.S. Government CAN'T Release Truth About UFOs!" with Canadian Researcher, Grant Cameron
• 12/19/2004 — Part 21: UFO Crash/Retrievals: The Inner Sanctum - Status Report VI © July 1991 by Leonard H. Stringfield
• 12/17/2004 — Updated - Feedback About Destruction of U. S. Military Records
• 12/10/2004 — Part 3: "Peculiar Phenomena," V-2 Rockets - and UFOB Retaliation?
• 12/10/2004 — Part 4: "Peculiar Phenomena," V-2 Rockets - and UFOB Retaliation?
• 12/07/2004 — Part 2: "Peculiar Phenomena," V-2 Rockets - and UFOB Retaliation?
• 12/04/2004 — Part 1: "Peculiar Phenomena," V-2 Rockets - and UFOB Retaliation?
• 11/26/2004 — Part 20: UFO Crash/Retrievals: The Inner Sanctum - Status Report VI © July 1991 by Leonard H. Stringfield
• 11/12/2004 — Strange Metal Pieces from Plains of San Agustin Alleged UFO Crash Site Analyzed.
• 11/03/2004 — Gen. Wesley Clark - Has He Been Briefed About UFOs?
• 10/29/2004 — Part 1: Update On Shag Harbour, Nova Scotia, UFO Case. See Upcoming Crash Retrieval Conference in Las Vegas, November 12 - 14
• 10/29/2004 — Part 2: Update On Shag Harbour, Nova Scotia, UFO Case. See Upcoming Crash Retrieval Conference in Las Vegas, November 12 - 14
• 10/23/2004 — 1948 Aztec, New Mexico UFO Crash: Policemen, Disk and Humanoids
• 10/10/2004 — Part 2: Texas Case of Shape-Shifting Human-to-Reptilian
• 09/25/2004 — Part 6: "Clearview" Report on the Investigation of UFO Experiences on A Rocky Mountain Ranch
• 09/23/2004 — Part 5: "Clearview" Report on the Investigation of UFO Experiences on A Rocky Mountain Ranch
• 09/19/2004 — Part 4: "Clearview" Report on the Investigation of UFO Experiences on A Rocky Mountain Ranch
• 09/13/2004 — Part 1: "Clearview" Report on the Investigation of UFO Experiences on A Rocky Mountain Ranch
• 09/10/2004 — Part 17: UFO Crash/Retrievals: The Inner Sanctum - Status Report VI © July 1991 by Leonard H. Stringfield
• 09/06/2004 — Part 2: Terry Sherman - 1996 Interview About High Strangeness on Fort Duchesne, Utah Ranch
• 09/04/2004 — Hillsboro, Ohio Corn Formation - High Strangeness in Soil and Plants
• 08/30/2004 — Part 16: UFO Crash/Retrievals: The Inner Sanctum - Status Report VI © July 1991 by Leonard H. Stringfield
• 08/28/2004 — Cow Mutilation and Loud, Unidentified Sound in Farnam, Nebraska
• 08/20/2004 — Part 2 - The Apollo Program, Cape Canaveral and UFOs
• 08/18/2004 — New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson Wants More Investigation of 1947 Roswell UFO Crash
• 08/13/2004 — Part 15: UFO Crash/Retrievals: The Inner Sanctum - Status Report VI © July 1991 by Leonard H. Stringfield
• 08/06/2004 — Updated - Truck Driver Who Allegedly Saw Craft and "Lizard" Arm from 1965 Kecksburg, PA Crash
• 08/05/2004 — Part 14: UFO Crash/Retrievals: The Inner Sanctum - Status Report VI © July 1991 by Leonard H. Stringfield
• 07/27/2004 — Part 12: UFO Crash/Retrievals: The Inner Sanctum - Status Report VI © July 1991 by Leonard H. Stringfield
• 07/21/2004 — The Apollo Program, Cape Canaveral and UFOs
• 07/17/2004 — Inside Job - Unmasking the 9/11 Conspiracies by Jim Marrs
• 07/02/2004 — Part 11: UFO Crash/Retrievals: The Inner Sanctum - Status Report VI © July 1991 by Leonard H. Stringfield
• 06/27/2004 — Part 10: UFO Crash/Retrievals: The Inner Sanctum - Status Report VI © July 1991 by Leonard H. Stringfield
• 05/17/2004 — Updated - Crop Formation Reported in Zabno, Poland
• 05/16/2004 — Part 8: UFO Crash/Retrievals: The Inner Sanctum - Status Report VI © July 1991 by Leonard H. Stringfield
• 05/11/2004 — An Extraordinary Photograph in A Dutch Home
• 04/30/2004 — Part 2 - Ted Phillips's Search for "Black Mirror" Cylinder in Slovakia
• 04/21/2004 — At the X-Conference, Former Naval Intelligence Officer, C. B. Scott Jones
• 04/13/2004 — Part 7: UFO Crash/Retrievals: The Inner Sanctum - Status Report VI © July 1991 by Leonard H. Stringfield
• 03/26/2004 — Back Engineering ET Craft
• 03/17/2004 — Part 1 - "Horrible Secret" in UFO Crash Retrievals Near Roswell, New Mexico, in July 1947?
• 03/17/2004 — Part 2 - "Horrible Secret" in UFO Crash Retrievals Near Roswell, New Mexico, in July 1947?
• 03/14/2004 — Part 5: UFO Crash/Retrievals: The Inner Sanctum - Status Report VI © July 1991 by Leonard H. Stringfield
• 03/08/2004 — Part 4: UFO Crash/Retrievals: The Inner Sanctum - Status Report VI © July 1991 by Leonard H. Stringfield
• 03/01/2004 — Part 3: UFO Crash/Retrievals: The Inner Sanctum - Status Report VI © July 1991 by Leonard H. Stringfield
• 02/25/2004 — Part 2: UFO Crash/Retrievals: The Inner Sanctum - Status Report VI © July 1991 by Leonard H. Stringfield
• 02/24/2004 — Part 1: UFO Crash/Retrievals: The Inner Sanctum - Status Report VI © July 1991 by Leonard H. Stringfield
• 02/16/2004 — Part 15: Epilogue - UFO Crash/Retrievals, Status Report VII by Leonard H. Stringfield
• 02/13/2004 — Part 14 - UFO Crash/Retrievals, Status Report VII by Len Stringfield
• 02/12/2004 — Part 13 - UFO Crash/Retrievals, Status Report VII by Len Stringfield
• 02/07/2004 — Part 12 - UFO Crash/Retrievals, Status Report VII by Len Stringfield
• 01/24/2004 — Are Military Jets Chasing UFOs in Bloomington, Indiana?
• 01/21/2004 — Part 8 - UFO Crash/Retrievals, Status Report VII by Len Stringfield
• 01/18/2004 — Part 7 - UFO Crash/Retrievals, Status Report VII by Len Stringfield
• 01/18/2004 — Huge Moving "Triangle of Stars" Over Alberta, Canada
• 01/11/2004 — Part 6 - UFO Crash/Retrievals, Status Report VII by Len Stringfield
• 12/29/2003 — Part 5 - UFO Crash/Retrievals, Status Report VII by Len Stringfield
• 12/21/2003 — Part 4 - UFO Crash/Retrievals, Status Report VII by Len Stringfield
• 12/19/2003 — Part 3 - UFO Crash/Retrievals, Status Report VII by Len Stringfield
• 12/17/2003 — Part 2 - UFO Crash/Retrievals, Status Report VII by Len Stringfield
• 12/13/2003 — What Snapped Off Big Trees in A Circle in Ruby, Alaska?
• 11/07/2003 — British UFO Crash Retrievals
• 10/28/2003 — Part 2 - U. S. Presidents and UFO Investigations
• 10/25/2003 — Part 1 - What Does NASA Know About 1965 Aerial Vehicle Crash in Kecksburg, Pennsylvania?
• 09/12/2003 — Second Soybean Crop Formation in Ohio is Manmade. Special USAF Investigation Unit Involved?
• 08/29/2003 — Part 1 - Why Do Military Helicopters Focus On Crop Formations?
• 08/21/2003 — Avebury Eyewitnesses Follow Aerial Disk to Field East of Cherhill
• 06/27/2003 — Part 2 - Mysterious Lights and Fourteen Crop Formations in Italy
• 05/28/2003 — Cat and Dog Mutilations in Salt Lake City; $6,500 Reward
• 05/18/2003 — Cattle Mutilation - The Unthinkable Truth, Chapter 5, Part One
• 05/18/2003 — Cattle Mutilation - The Unthinkable Truth, Chapter 5, Part Two
• 04/22/2003 — UFO Experiences Reported by Forest Fire Lookouts
• 04/06/2003 — Cattle Mutilation - The Unthinkable Truth, Chapter 4, Part Three
• 03/30/2003 — Cattle Mutilation - The Unthinkable Truth, Chapter 4, Part Two
• 03/28/2003 — Cattle Mutilation - The Unthinkable Truth, Chapter 4, Part One
• 03/19/2003 — Cattle Mutilation - The Unthinkable Truth, Chapter 3, Part Three
• 03/08/2003 — Cattle Mutilation - The Unthinkable Truth, Chapter 3, Part Two
• 02/03/2003 — Cattle Mutilation - The Unthinkable Truth, Chapter 3, Part One
• 01/21/2003 — Mutilated Horse Baffles Police in Des Moines, Iowa
• 01/16/2003 — Dubayy, United Arab Emirates Shopping Mall Uses "UFO Fly-Over" to Promote January Store Festival
• 01/15/2003 — Cattle Mutilation - The Unthinkable Truth, Chapter 2, Part Three
• 12/21/2002 — Part 2 - Corguinho, Brazil: Close Encounters with Tall Red-Haired and Blond-Haired Non-Human Beings
• 12/07/2002 — Cattle Mutilation - The Unthinkable Truth, Chapter 1, Part Three
• 11/19/2002 — What Broke Up Between Afyon and Yalova, Turkey On November 1, 2002?
• 11/09/2002 — UPDATED: Majestic-12 Documents with Ryan Wood About Extraterrestrial Technologies
• 11/03/2002 — Chapter 12 - Mystery Stalks The Prairie
• 11/03/2002 — Chapter 13 - Mystery Stalks The Prairie
• 10/30/2002 — Unidentified Aerial Object Over Albany, N. Y. Airport
• 10/28/2002 — Chapter 11 - Mystery Stalks The Prairie
• 10/26/2002 — Former White House Aide, John Podesta, Says Government Should Open Up UFO Files
• 10/26/2002 — Chapter 10 - Mystery Stalks the Prairie
• 10/20/2002 — Chapter 9 - Mystery Stalks The Prairie
• 10/15/2002 — Chapter 8 - Mystery Stalks The Prairie
• 10/13/2002 — Chapter 7 - Mystery Stalks The Prairie
• 10/09/2002 — Extraterrestrial Biological Entities and Discs Described by CIA/U.S. Army Administrator, 1957-1960
• 10/08/2002 — Chapter 6 - Mystery Stalks The Prairie
• 10/03/2002 — Chapter 5 - Mystery Stalks The Prairie
• 09/09/2002 — Chapter 1 - Mystery Stalks The Prairie
• 07/23/2002 — Mysterious, Buzzing Light in Tehachapi, California
• 06/15/2002 — Cattle Mutilations In LaPampa, Argentina
• 04/20/2002 — Canadian and American Officials In 1950s Collaborated on Study of Unidentified Aerial Disks
• 04/17/2002 — Part 2 - Unidentified Aerial Craft Over Farmington and Aztec, New Mexico in Spring 1949
• 01/19/2002 — Nine Unidentified Aerial Objects Tracked at 8,000 mph on 1952 Radar
• 05/11/2001 — Horse Slashings and Deaths in Calgary, Alberta, Canada
• 05/04/2001 — Part 3 - Retired Army Sergeant Describes 1969 Film of Unidentified Craft
• 04/30/2001 — Part 2 - Former U.S. Army Sergeant Describes 1969 Film of Non-Human Entities
• 04/29/2001 — Part 1 - Former Army Sergeant Describes 1969 Film of Alien Craft and Entities
• 04/21/2001 — April 1986: After Chernobyl Melt Down, What Flew Over Mannheim, Germany?
• 06/22/2000 — The UFO/FBI Connection by U. S. Navy Physicist, Bruce S. Maccabee - Part 5
• 06/21/2000 — The UFO/FBI Connection by U. S. Navy Physicist, Bruce S. Maccabee - Part 4
• 06/19/2000 — The UFO/FBI Connection by U. S. Navy Physicist, Bruce S. Maccabee - Part 2
• 06/18/2000 — The UFO/FBI Connection by U. S. Navy Physicist, Bruce S. Maccabee - Part 1
• 03/21/2000 — Mysterious Fires in Bartlesville, Oklahoma - 1966/1967
• 03/10/2000 — New Energy Patent - Hydrogen Gas from Algae
• 02/21/2000 — Green Square Unidentified Aerial Craft Over Phoenix
• 10/24/1999 — A U. S. Army Infantryman's Abduction
• 09/05/1999 — Delphos, Kansas Ring Mystery - More Analyses
• 01/28/1999 — Army Sgt. Clifford Stone's and Triangle Craft in Germany, 1989
• 01/10/1999 — Updates: Astronomy and Rufus Baughn, Nevada Test Site
Majestic-12 Documents:
Copyright © 1999 - 2008 by Linda Moulton Howe.
All Rights Reserved.
Republication and redissemination of the contents of this screen or any part of this website are expressly prohibited without prior written consent.
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All rights reserved.
by the turquoise-blue fire that was in front of it
that showed the oval shape.” - R. B.
KTOX 1340 AM Radio, Needles, California.
Owner and General Manager is David Hayes. Frank Costigan,
who is retired from airport police and operations management, does special
news reports for KTOX. David Hayes has known “R. B.,” the Colorado River
houseboat residence, for some time. Image courtesy KTOX Radio.

Needles, California, is the larger red circle;
Topock, Arizona, is the smaller red circle.
Copyright © 1999 - 2008 by Linda Moulton Howe.
All Rights Reserved.
Republication and redissemination of the contents of this screen or any part of this website are expressly prohibited without prior written consent.
Updated: Mysterious Crash Near Needles, California
© 2008 by Linda Moulton Howe
“When it came down, that’s how I saw the shape of it –
by the turquoise-blue fire that was in front of it
that showed the oval shape.” - R. B.
Needles, California, is the larger red circle;
Topock, Arizona, is the smaller red circle.
KTOX 1340 AM Radio, Needles, California.
Owner and General Manager is David Hayes. Frank Costigan,
who is retired from airport police and operations management, does special
news reports for KTOX. David Hayes has known “R. B.,” the Colorado River
houseboat residence, for some time. Image courtesy KTOX Radio.
Updates June 8, 2008:
National UFO Reporting Center Sighting Report
Occurred : 4/17/2002 03:30 (Entered as : 04/17/02 03:30)
Reported: 4/28/2002 6:29:44 PM
Posted: 3/11/2003
Location: Needles, CA
Shape: Circle
Duration: 10 seconds
“I was driving west on -I40, west of Needles, CA. about 3:30 am. There were many semi- trucks on the road who probably saw this, too. It is a very desolate desert area.
“Suddenly a bright blue light illuminated my whole car from above. Even though I was alone, I said, ‘What the hell is that?’ and had to lean forward to look up through my windshield. I saw a huge blue light streak from above my car off to the right side of the road. It stopped in mid air and appeared to be a extremely bright, icy blue colored ball. It then flashed even brighter and vanished. It did not hit the ground as say a meteor might. The only visible color was blue. I had no way to determine the real size or distance from me. A grapefruit held at arm's length was about the size of the ball as I could see it from my car. I am a professional artist and have never seen a UFO or anything like this before.”
Subject: Turquoise colored object I photographed
Date: June 6, 2008
“Hi Linda,
Your posting June 6, 2008 - Mysterious Crash Near Needles, California - immediately brought to my mind a series of pictures I had taken from the roof of my studio in Ohio when gathering cloud pictures for a project. The turquoise color mentioned in your report seems to fit the color in my photos. Feel free to ask Frank Costigan if this is what it looked like?
Notes about the 1997 photos:
1) The lens I used in the pictures was a Nikkor 28 mm 1:2.8.
2) The complex with a tall smoke stack that I was photographing is part of Battelle Memorial Institute (Battelle is an international science and technology enterprise). I find the close proximity to Battelle worthy of note.”
Early November 1997, Ohio: turquoise blue object caught while artist photographed clouds. Photographer: “(Turquoise object) moved up through 4 or 5 frames as I was doing a vertical panorama of the sky. There were several frames before the sequence without the turquoise object and after as well. I did not see it with my eyes through the view finder. It may have been there at the time. The size was pretty small so I could have missed it or it was not visible to the human eye. I only saw the object upon looking at the processed pictures. The image is in the negatives and not a blemish or scratch. It appears in different parts of each frame.”
June 6, 2008 Needles, California - On Wednesday, May 14, 2008, at 3 AM Pacific south of Needles, California, on the Colorado River near Topock, Arizona, a long-time houseboat resident was stunned to see a large, bright “fiery object” hurtling from the sky toward him. From the upper deck on his houseboat, “R. B.” was puzzled by the vivid turquoise-blue with touches of green he was seeing instead of reds, yellows and oranges in more normal fire. Despite the strange blue-green color, Ted thought perhaps he was watching a plane about to crash.
Ted did not know there was another eyewitness - Frank Costigan, retired former Superintendent of Operations and Police Chief at Los Angeles International Airport from 1978 to 1985 and Superintendent of Operations at Ontario International Airport in California from 1985 to 1986. Recently Frank Costigan has been doing special news investigations and reports for KTOX AM 1340 Radio in Needles, California.
At 3 AM on May 14, 2008, Frank had gotten up to let his Siamese cat out and went outside to look at the clear night sky. His home is about three miles east of the Colorado River. To his surprise, a large, bright object of many colors dominated by turquoise blue with some green was streaking through the sky toward the Colorado River area. Frank could also see some red and yellow colors like flames and expected to hear the huge boom of a crash impact.
“I thought I might hear something when it hit the ground because if it was as close as I thought it was and as big as it was, I thought I would hear something. But I did not hear anything. And it went out of my view before it hit the ground.”
But over on the Colorado River, R. B. was only about 400 yards from where the fiery turquoise-blue object hit the ground on the west side of the river. R. B. has requested anonymity because he’s afraid the U. S. government hurts people who report UFOs. He did not even want his voice recorded. R. B. has lived in a houseboat on the Colorado River for thirty some years. He was outside at 3 AM fishing when he saw the brilliant, turquoise-blue flaming object. When it hit the ground about 100 yards west of the river, he saw the whole thing bounce back up in the air with even more glowing red-yellow pieces around the big center object. And yet, he did not hear the crash sound he expected. “There was only a thump sound,” he told me.
But he was afraid that some kind of plane had crashed and urgently went down to the lower deck of his houseboat to get his cell phone and climbed back up to the top deck to get a satellite signal for his phone. When he had a signal, he kept dialing 911, but only got a busy signal. All of this took about seven minutes after the crash. Then to his complete amazement, John Smith heard the loud sound of a sky-hook, or skycrane, helicopter coming fast in the night sky. The next thing he knew, the still-glowing object was hooked underneath the skycrane and carried away rapidly.
I asked R. B. how big he thought the glowing object was? He said it was about the size of a 10,000-gallon tank truck – big and oval-shaped.
After the sun came up, David Hayes, the Owner and General Manager of KTOX AM 1340, was driving to work along I-40 in Needles, when he saw very unusual vehicles traveling together with black and white U. S. government license plates.
David Hayes, Owner and General Manager, KTOX AM 1340, Needles, California: “That same morning (May 14, 2008), when I drove to the KTOX station which is right along I-40 in Needles, I noticed strange vehicles coming off the freeway going west into Needles. The first one was a very strange, black vehicle that was 4-wheel drive, definitely looked like it had a very beefed up suspension. It had a grill on the front of it and a utility bed in the back that had some strange bumps and almost looked like a radar dome-shaped type thing on top of it. It was black and had a triangular bed on the back. It kind of looked stealthy.
Right behind it was a green van. Both had U. S. government license plates, the white with black letters. Behind those two, was a very long brand new stretch van also beefed up with government plates and a very serious man who I looked at and made eye contact with and he just stared me down. I was parallel with him on a frontage road as he was coming off the freeway and he slowed down to my speed. I was on a dirt road and going only 10 to 15 mph, when he could have been doing 40 mph over that bridge. He just got real slow and stared me down. I thought, ‘If you’re going to drive a Star Wars vehicle with U. S. government plates and not think people are not going to stare at you!?’ I just wondered why he was staring at me so intently. After that, Frank told me what he had seen falling in the sky from his place around 3 AM.
Then another friend of ours in the Laughlin, Nevada, airport area said that flights from McCarran Airport to Area 51 were coming in and landing throughout that day (May 14, 2008).
So, it was like, ‘Wow, this is pretty strange!’
One thing I’ll say about the government vehicles and the people in them is that they were very, very serious. In fact, it was suspiciously serious. That’s what got my ears perked up and when you put it all together.”
R. B.'s Experience in Colorado River Houseboat
R. B. has requested anonymity as one of many people who live in houseboats on the Colorado River and happened to be out fishing at 3 AM on Wednesday, May 14, 2008.
R. B.: “Never seen anything this dramatic come out of sky before. Have seen green-blue meteors, but this thing was bright, turquoise blue, almost like a lighter sky blue!
Arizona turquoise gemstone.

© 2008 by Linda Moulton Howe
Whatever crashed, I thought at the time it was a plane crashing.
No, because it was flaming.
Oh, yes, but a turquoise-blue fire with some green in it. And it hit the ground and bounced. But there were many other pieces – there were at least nine other pieces that bounced up in a circle around the turquoise blue-green object.
No, the main unit that looked like the size of a tanker truck hit. I was sitting on top of my boat fishing and listening to the radio like I do living out here on the Colorado River, but I saw it hit and thought, ‘My God, it has to be a plane that hit and bounced!’ Not like a ball, but it hit and came back up and went back down again. But there were other pieces that were coming with it. When it settled down, I couldn’t see it because of bushes between me on the river and where it came down.
More oval shaped. When it came down, that’s how I saw the shape of it – by the turquoise-blue fire that was in front of it that showed the oval shape.
Yes, about the size of a maybe a 10,000-gallon tank truck.
Because there was a huge fire in front of it as it was coming down.
No, they were more of a reddish color. But those smaller, glowing pieces did not appear until after the impact. It was like they broke off. The big object hit the ground at a tremendous speed.
No, actually, there was just a thump. It hit hard, but there was no crash sound. That’s when I saw the other pieces that flew off. I can’t believe I’m seeing this, and I had to go off the weather deck down to the main deck to get my phone because I thought a plane has crashed. There was no signal for my phone. Where I stay on the river, it’s hard to get a signal. So, I had to wait for a phone signal for maybe seven or eight minutes because a satellite was not there. Finally, I got a signal indication and I called 911, but there was no answer! My call would not go through. I kept getting a busy signal.
Skycrane Retrieved Large,
Still-Glowing, Oval-Shaped Crash Object
Anyway, that’s when I heard the rotors going overhead. There were no lights, but I know what a skycrane sounds like and I know what it looks like.
Skycrane hauling up interferometer housing at Mt. Wilson Observatory
in Los Angeles, California, in 1998. Image source: Erickson Air-Crane, Inc.
And that skycrane was with at least four smaller helicopters. The skycrane and the smaller helicopters surrounded the crashed object and the sky crane picked the thing up still glowing and off it went. From the time that object impacted to the time it was picked up was only about 17 minutes!
That’s the funny part. I could not figure that out. I was there trying to call 911 about an airplane crash and I went back up to get the phone signal and the skycrane already had the big object in the air! I could tell because it was still glowing – it was still red hot. And up it went toward the northwest at an extremely high rate of speed, from where I’m at, directly towards Las Vegas. When it was coming before it hit, the object had the turquoise-blue color to it. Then it hit and bounced and I went to get my phone. Then the skycrane came and as they were hauling the object off, it had a gold-orange hot glow to it.
Just in the front where it seemed to be wrinkled a bit. It was picked up either in a net or by cables, but they picked it up so quickly and flew it off so quickly.

They must have because the time from when it hit the ground to when they flew off with it was not more than about 17 minutes.
Approximately less than 400 yards.
Coming from straight up to straight down on the west side, California side, of the Colorado River.
No, the only thing that happened is that one of those small helicopters circled around my boat, shone a blue beam down that night, and then flew off.
KTOX Weekly Tuesday Guest Questioned
On Tuesday, May 27, 2008, David Hayes at KTOX hosted his regular morning radio program. Since May 14, he has talked about Frank Costigan's and R. B.'s fiery turquoise sighting and R. B.'s crash account. On May 27, David Hayes made a radio appeal for any other eyewitnesses to call KTOX and asked R. B. if he would call David again off air.
On May 27th, the KTOX regular weekly guest to discuss politics was Toni Sagan, a member of the local River Valley Democratic Club. Her radio topic was the Barack Obama and Hilary Clinton battle for the presidential nomination. Toni told me she did not absorb the details about R. B.'s experience during the radio broadcast and was very surprised at the Democratic Club meeting that week when a well-dressed stranger approached her at the meeting and began asking questions about the crash.
Toni told me the stranger called himself “Phil” and asked her if she knew R. B. She said she did not. Phil asked her if she knew any details from the off air conversation between David Hayes and R. B. off air. Toni told Phil she had no information. Phil sounded irritated and asked her if she heard any discussion about whether the object was on fire, what color it was, how big it was, did it splash in the river, who came to get it and where did R. B. live?
Toni Sagan told Phil she knew nothing about the crashed object or R. B., which further irritated him to say, ‘But you were sitting right there during the broadcast. Didn't you hear any discussion with R. B.?’
Toni was puzzled by the stranger's impatient interrogation during a Democratic Party meeting. The last she saw of Phil was his leaving the room to have a cigarette outside and he never returned. “Who do you think he was?” Toni asked. “His clothes were too neat and nice for Bullhead country here and his hair was cut short and neat. Do you think he was working for the military or government? If so, why would he ask me questions? It's David who runs KTOX and knows R. B.”
If any Earthfiles viewers have more information about the fiery turquoise-blue, oval-shaped object that crashed on the western side of the Colorado River south of Needles, California, near Topoc, Arizona, at 3 AM on Wednesday, May 14, 2008, please email me: Confidentiality is always honored.

More Information:
For further information about unidentified aerial objects, please see my books and documentaries in the Earthfiles Shop and Earthfiles Archive reports listed below:
• 05/20/2008 — High Strangeness in Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada
• 05/06/2008 — Viewer Comments on Decatur, Alabama, White Sphere Incident
• 05/06/2008 — What Are the Strange “Pearls” in Google Map Images?
• 04/29/2008 — Part 1: Insights from An Experiencer with Greys and Blond Humanoids
• 04/24/2008 — Strange Aerial Lights Like Texas - But Now Photographed in Indiana, Illinois, and Massachusetts
• 04/23/2008 — Four Red, Unidentified Lights Change Patterns Over North Phoenix
• 04/07/2008 — Part 1: Bizarre Objects Caught by Illinois and Missouri Game Trail Cameras
• 04/07/2008 — Part 2: Bizarre Objects Caught by Illinois and Missouri Game Trail Cameras
• 04/06/2008 — Final Part 10: Real X-File, Source Unknown
• 04/02/2008 — Part 9 - Real X-File, Source Unknown
• 03/31/2008 — Mysterious Aerial Spheres: Letters to Earthfiles
• 03/30/2008 — Part 8 - Real X-File, Source Unknown
• 03/28/2008 — Deer Mutilation in Longs, South Carolina, Two Helicopters and Large, White Sphere
• 03/20/2008 — Part 7 - Real X-File, Source Unknown
• 03/15/2008 — Part 6 - Real X-File, Source Unknown
• 03/08/2008 — Part 5: Real X-File, Source Unknown
• 03/07/2008 — Mysterious Aerial “Drones” - Oklahoma and Arkansas
• 03/04/2008 — Part 4: Real X-File, Source Unknown
• 03/03/2008 — Updated Part 1: Real X-File, Source Unknown
• 03/02/2008 — Part 2: Real X-File, Source Unknown
• 03/02/2008 — Part 3: Real X-File, Source Unknown
• 02/26/2008 — Viewer Comments About Infrared Cameras, Aerial Symbols and Lights
• 02/22/2008 — Updated: Three Eyewitnesses in Selden, Texas, Saw Two, Large Rectangles of “White Flames” in Sky
• 02/22/2008 — Updated: More Aerial “Symbols” Photographed Over Dublin, Texas
• 02/22/2008 — Abductee Jim Sparks Comments On Alien Symbol Technology
• 02/14/2008 — Update: Mysterious Symbols Projected in Night Sky by Aerial Disc Near Stephenville, Texas, Local Airport
• 02/08/2008 — Law Officers Describe Unidentified Shape-Shifting Aerial Craft in Stephenville, Texas, Region
• 01/28/2008 — Updated 01-28-08: Viewer Letters About Aerial Craft and Military Flyovers Above Dublin, Stephenville and Selden, Texas
• 01/24/2008 — Part 17, Final: In League With A UFO, Interview with Lou Baldin
• 01/18/2008 — Updated: Huge Aerial Craft Over Dublin, Texas, “Longer Than 3 Football Fields”
• 01/15/2008 — Updated: More Sky Spiral Mysteries in Iraq, Canada and Germany
• 01/13/2008 — Part 16: In League With A UFO, Interview with Lou Baldin
• 01/11/2008 — Canadian "Disc" and Smoke Spiral Still A Mystery
• 01/07/2008 — Part 15: In League With A UFO
• 01/05/2008 — Part 14: In League With A UFO
• 01/02/2008 — Part 13: In League With A UFO
• 12/29/2007 — Part 12: In League With A UFO
• 12/27/2007 — Updated - Part 11: In League With A UFO
• 12/22/2007 — Part 10: In League With A UFO
• 12/20/2007 — Updated: Viewer Letters About Secret American Military Space Program
• 12/18/2007 — Part 9: In League With A UFO
• 12/16/2007 — Part 8: In League With A UFO
• 12/14/2007 — Part 7: In League With A UFO
• 12/12/2007 — Part 6: In League With A UFO
• 12/11/2007 — More Confirmation of May 1974 Discs in Albuquerque and Huge Cylinder Craft At White Sands Proving Ground.
• 12/08/2007 — Another Eyewitness to Glowing Disc and Military Security in Albuquerque, New Mexico
• 12/07/2007 — Part 2: Secret American Military Space Program?
• 12/03/2007 — Part 5: In League With A UFO
• 12/01/2007 — Part 1: Secret American Military Space Program?
• 11/29/2007 — Part 1: Glowing Disc Encounter with Military in Albuquerque, NM
• 11/29/2007 — Part 2: Glowing Disc Encounter with Military in Albuquerque, NM
• 11/29/2007 — Part 3: Glowing Disc Encounter with Military in Albuquerque, NM
• 11/25/2007 — Part 4: In League With A UFO
• 11/21/2007 — Part 3: In League With A UFO
• 11/20/2007 — Do Black Budget Trillions Support A Secret American Space Program?
• 11/14/2007 — Part 2: In League With A UFO
• 11/08/2007 — More Unusual Animal Deaths
• 11/06/2007 — Part 1: In League With A UFO
• 10/31/2007 — Part 5: Elk Hunter Meets Non-Human
• 10/29/2007 — Part 4: Elk Hunter Meets Non-Human
• 10/25/2007 — Part 3: Elk Hunter Meets Non-Human
• 10/21/2007 — Viewer Comments About Big Triangles and Lights - In Conflict?
• 10/17/2007 — Updated: Half Cat Mutilations Persist in San Antonio, Texas
• 10/14/2007 — Part 2: Elk Hunter Meets Non-Human
• 10/08/2007 — Part 1: Elk Hunter Meets Non-Human
• 09/28/2007 — Earthfiles Mail About Cat Mutilations
• 09/26/2007 — Neatly Sliced Front Third of 14 Cats Found in Granbury, Texas
• 09/20/2007 — Part 2: Psi Spies - True Story of America's Psychic Warfare Program
• 09/16/2007 — Part 5: Military Insiders Comment About Zeta Reticuli and EBENs
• 09/14/2007 — Part 1: Psi Spies - True Story of America's Psychic Warfare Program
• 09/11/2007 — Part 4: Military Insiders Comment About Zeta Reticuli and EBENs
• 09/07/2007 — Part 3: Military Insiders Comment About Zeta Reticuli and EBENs
• 09/05/2007 — Part 2: Military Insiders Comment About Zeta Reticuli and EBENs
• 08/31/2007 — Part 1: Betty and Barney Hill: Captured!
• 08/31/2007 — Part 2: Betty and Barney Hill: Captured!
• 08/30/2007 — Part 1: Military Insiders Comment About Zeta Reticuli and EBENs
• 08/24/2007 — Orange-Red "Fiery" Aerial Spheres
• 08/17/2007 — Two Bulls and Several Cows Dead and Mutilated in Manitoba, Canada
• 08/01/2007 — Part 3, Non-Human Blonds, Greys and Big-Nosed, Cat-Eyed Lizards
• 07/31/2007 — Part 2, Non-Human Blonds, Greys and Big-Nosed, Cat-Eyed Lizards
• 07/28/2007 — Clarifications and Comments by Isaac
• 07/28/2007 — Mysterious Aerial Lights Over Stratford-upon-Avon, July 14, and Farnborough, Hampshire, on July 22, 2007
• 07/27/2007 — Updated: Part 1: 1,033-Foot-Long East Field Wheat Formation "Happened Within 90 Minutes."
• 07/26/2007 — Part 1, Non-Human Blonds, Lizards and Big-Nosed, Cat-Eyed Greys
• 07/23/2007 — 070707 East Field Wheat Formation: Viewer Comments
• 07/14/2007 — Schofield Barracks, Oahu, Hawaii - Huge, Lime Green Oval Craft Hovered Over Battalion Headquarters
• 07/13/2007 — Iowa Minister Reports Large "Crab/Scorpion" Creature Attacked Cow
• 06/26/2007 — Part 1: Explanation of the Recent "Strange Craft" Sightings
• 06/22/2007 — Dragonfly "Drone" Seen October 1995 in Arizona
• 06/18/2007 — Crop Circles On Rings and Three Mysterious Aerial Lights in Slovenia
• 06/17/2007 — More Big Basin, California, Bizarre "Drone" Images
• 06/15/2007 — Part 1: Northridge, California, Aerial "Drone" Eyewitness On the Record
• 06/15/2007 — Part 2 - Star Wars Physicist Edward Teller, Outer Space Menace And Remotely Piloted Vehicles (RPVs)
• 06/13/2007 — Into the Unknown with George Noory
• 06/08/2007 — More Drone Photos and Other Eyewitnesses
• 05/30/2007 — Birmingham-Type "Drone" Seen At Barksdale AFB, Louisiana, in Mid-1980s
• 05/29/2007 — Final Part 7: Eyewitness Links Animal Mutilations to Non-Humans
• 05/28/2007 — Letters About Unidentified "Drone" Aerial Objects
• 05/25/2007 — Two More Eyewitnesses of Aerial "Drones" in 2005 and 2006
• 05/21/2007 — Updated: Odd Aerial "Drone"? Photographed Again Over Capitola, California
• 05/16/2007 — Updated: Odd Aerial "Drones"? Over Lake Tahoe and Central California
• 05/16/2007 — Updated: Engineer Comments About Odd Aerial "Drones"? Over Lake Tahoe and Central California
• 05/11/2007 — CIA Origin of National Enquirer?
• 04/20/2007 — 2006 Human Encounter with Translucent Entity
• 04/18/2007 — Part 1: Eyewitness Links Animal Mutilations to Non-Humans
• 03/16/2007 — Tenth Anniversary of March 1997 Phoenix Lights: What Was the 2-Mile-Long Triangular Craft?
• 03/14/2007 — Part 5: Mysterious Events At 2005 Tawsmead Copse "Insectogram" Crop Formation
• 03/13/2007 — Part 4: Mysterious Events At 2005 Tawsmead Copse "Insectogram" Crop Formation
• 03/09/2007 — Zones of Fear and Diamond-Shaped Aerial Light
• 02/27/2007 — Part 1: Mysterious Events At 2005 Tawsmead Copse "Insectogram" Crop Formation
• 02/14/2007 — Part 3: Tappen, North Dakota, High Strangeness Provokes Many Emails from Viewers and Listeners
• 02/11/2007 — Part 1: Tappen, North Dakota, High Strangeness Provokes Many Emails from Viewers and Listeners
• 02/10/2007 — Part 12: Inside Saucer Post ...3-0 Blue
• 02/08/2007 — Why Do UFOs Sometimes Play Cat and Mouse with Humans?
• 02/07/2007 — Part 11: Inside Saucer Post ...3-0 Blue
• 01/30/2007 — Part 10: Inside Saucer Post ...3-0 Blue
• 01/16/2007 — Part 9: Inside Saucer Post ...3-0 Blue
• 01/02/2007 — Grey Aerial Disk Reported by Chicago O'Hare United Airlines Pilots and Mechanics
• 12/27/2006 — Part 7: Inside Saucer Post ...3-0 Blue
• 12/18/2006 — Part 6: Inside Saucer Post ...3-0 Blue
• 12/14/2006 — Abductee Jim Sparks's Encounter with Reptillian Beings, Their Warning and Possible Agenda
• 12/11/2006 — Part 5: Inside Saucer Post ...3-0 Blue
• 12/06/2006 — Part 4: Inside Saucer Post ...3-0 Blue
• 11/28/2006 — Part 2: Inside Saucer Post ...3-0 Blue
• 11/27/2006 — Inside Saucer Post ...3-0 Blue © 1957 by Leonard H. Stringfield
• 11/03/2006 — Another UFO Retaliation to Radar Lock On - 2003
• 10/28/2006 — Close UFO Encounter by USAF Eyewitnesses
• 10/26/2006 — Norwegian Crashed Disc and Other High Strangeness
• 10/19/2006 — UFO Retaliation to U. S. Army Radar Lock On in Florida, 1967
• 10/14/2006 — Big Sorghum Circle in Beloit, Kansas
• 10/11/2006 — Part 2: Time Travel, Insights from USAF Sergeant and UFO Abductee
• 10/08/2006 — Part 1: Time Travel, Insights from USAF Sergeant and UFO Abductee
• 10/07/2006 — Updated: 1953 Kinross AFB Mystery: F-89 Found in Lake Superior
• 10/02/2006 — Unusual Deaths of Six Female Goats in White Salmon, Washington
• 09/29/2006 — Manipulation of Time and Matter by Non-Humans: The Experiences of Jim Sparks
• 09/20/2006 — Updated: Three Sets of Concentric Rings in South Texas Field
• 09/20/2006 — Animal Mutilations Increase Again in Argentina
• 09/16/2006 — Disc Crash At Cedar Breaks Radar Site, Utah
• 09/05/2006 — Part 2: "Alphonso Lorenzo" - Military Visitor to Another Planet?
• 09/04/2006 — Part 1: "Alphonso Lorenzo" - Military Visitor to Another Planet?
• 07/17/2006 — Area 29 - A Reverse Engineering Center of E. T. Technology?
• 07/01/2006 — Cattle Mutilation and Glowing Discs in Saskatchewan, Canada
• 06/30/2006 — Celestial Secrets: The Hidden History of the Fatima Cover-Up
• 06/29/2006 — Another Horse Suspended in the Air
• 06/28/2006 — Half Cats in Destin, Florida, and Beheaded Animals in Rochester, N. Y.
• 06/22/2006 — Horse Suspended in Mid-Air Near Milan, Italy, Apartment
• 06/18/2006 — Viewer Letters About NASA Airbrushing Photos; EBENs and Reptilian Humanoids
• 06/13/2006 — Mysterious Triangle-Shaped Welts and Bruises
• 06/08/2006 — Part 2: Unexplained Phenomenon of Sudden Human-to-Reptile "Replacement"
• 06/07/2006 — Gary McKinnon: An Electronic "Robin Hood"?
• 05/05/2006 — Military Man's Description of EBE Telepathic Download
• 04/13/2006 — High Strangeness In Skies Near White Sands Missile Range
• 04/03/2006 — Genetic Harvest in Cimarron, New Mexico?
• 03/23/2006 — Part 15 - Peculiar Phenomenon: Early United States Efforts to Collect and Analyze Flying Discs
• 03/23/2006 — Part 2: U.S. Navy Chief Yeoman Describes "Extraterrestrial Biological Entities" in TOP SECRET/MAJIC Photographs
• 02/28/2006 — Part 13 - Peculiar Phenomenon: Early United States Efforts to Collect and Analyze Flying Discs
• 02/27/2006 — Part 4: Military Voices Reply About Government Interaction with UFOs
• 02/23/2006 — Huge Boomerang Craft and Blond Beings
• 02/22/2006 — Part 3: Military Voices Reply About Government Interaction with UFOs
• 02/21/2006 — Part 2: Military Voices Reply About Government Interaction with UFOs
• 02/17/2006 — Updated: White Sands Navy Radar Operator Saw Discs Circle V-2 Rocket Launches
• 02/13/2006 — Mysterious, Aerial Bars of Light Near Brawley, California
• 02/10/2006 — NORAD "Fast Walkers" and "Men In Black"
• 02/10/2006 — Crashed Disc Photos, "Ebens," and Area 51 "Anti-Gravity"
• 02/07/2006 — Military Voices Reply About Government Interaction with UFOs.
• 02/05/2006 — Part 11 - Peculiar Phenomenon: Early United States Efforts to Collect and Analyze Flying Discs
• 01/27/2006 — Part 2: Navy Physicist and USAF Geophysicist Discuss UFOs and ETs
• 01/20/2006 — Part 1: Navy Physicist and USAF Geophysicist Discuss UFOs and ETs
• 01/17/2006 — Part 9 - Peculiar Phenomenon: Early United States Efforts to Collect and Analyze Flying Discs
• 01/13/2006 — 31st Cattle Mutilation on Red Bluff, California Ranch
• 12/21/2005 — Updated: Part 2 - Peculiar Phenomenon, Early United States Efforts to Collect and Analyze Flying Discs
• 12/02/2005 — Abduction by Grey ETs in Huge, Black Triangle
• 12/02/2005 — Former Canadian Minister of Defence Calls for Public Parliament Hearings About UFOs and Extraterrestrials
• 11/11/2005 — Part 3: An Alleged 1953 UFO Crash and Burial Near Garrison, Utah
• 11/10/2005 — Part 2: An Alleged 1953 UFO Crash and Burial Near Garrison, Utah
• 11/02/2005 — Part 3: Unusual Animal Deaths -Sheep Mutilations in Moortown, Dartmoor, England
• 10/27/2005 — Updated: Five "Satellites" That Merged As One Star
• 10/25/2005 — Part 6 - Final: Retrievals of the Third Kind - A Case Study of Alleged UFOs and Occupants in Military Custody
• 10/13/2005 — Part 5: Retrievals of the Third Kind - A Case Study of Alleged UFOs and Occupants in Military Custody
• 10/07/2005 — Part 1: Beam Technology Lifted Body Near Ft. Stewart, Georgia
• 10/05/2005 — Part 4: Retrievals of the Third Kind - A Case Study of Alleged UFOs and Occupants in Military Custody
• 10/04/2005 — "Stars" That Move In Patterns
• 09/30/2005 — Part 3: Retrievals of the Third Kind - A Case Study of Alleged UFOs and Occupants in Military Custody
• 09/26/2005 — Part 2: Retrievals of the Third Kind - Kingman, Arizona Crash
• 09/25/2005 — Part 1: Retrievals of the Third Kind - A Case Study of Alleged UFOs and Occupants in Military Custody
• 09/19/2005 — Final Part 9: The UFO Crash/Retrieval Syndrome: Status Report II - New Sources, New Data
• 09/17/2005 — Part 8: The UFO Crash/Retrieval Syndrome: Status Report II - New Sources, New Data
• 09/15/2005 — Animal Mutilations Reported in Switzerland, Hollywood and Kansas
• 09/14/2005 — Part 7: The UFO Crash/Retrieval Syndrome: Status Report II - New Sources, New Data
• 09/09/2005 — Rock Stars and Extraterrestrials
• 09/08/2005 — Canadian UFO Researcher Blocked by U. S. Homeland Security From Speaking at NUFOC Conference, Hollywood
• 09/06/2005 — Part 6: The UFO Crash/Retrieval Syndrome: Status Report II - New Sources, New Data
• 08/26/2005 — Another Cattle Mutilation in Canada
• 08/22/2005 — Part 5: The UFO Crash/Retrieval Syndrome: Status Report II - New Sources, New Data
• 08/17/2005 — Part 4: The UFO Crash/Retrieval Syndrome: Status Report II - New Sources, New Data
• 07/29/2005 — Bentwaters and Rendlesham Forest Mystery Beyond December 1980
• 07/23/2005 — Mystery of Six Grass Circle Formations in North Carolina
• 07/20/2005 — Part 3: The UFO Crash/Retrieval Syndrome: Status Report II - New Sources, New Data
• 07/14/2005 — Part 2: The UFO Crash/Retrieval Syndrome: Status Report II - New Sources, New Data
• 07/12/2005 — Part 1: The UFO Crash/Retrieval Syndrome: Status Report II - New Sources, New Data
• 07/05/2005 — Part 15: UFO Crash/Retrievals: Status Report III - Amassing The Evidence
• 06/23/2005 — Updated: More Than 3,000 Unusual Animal Deaths Reported in Argentina and Chile Since 2002
• 06/20/2005 — Part 14: UFO Crash/Retrievals: Status Report III - Amassing The Evidence
• 06/17/2005 — Unusual Cow Death in Paradise Hill, Saskatchewan, Canada
• 06/17/2005 — Part 13: UFO Crash/Retrievals: Status Report III - Amassing The Evidence
• 05/26/2005 — Part 1 - Brazilian Air Force Opens Its UFO Files to Public
• 05/20/2005 — May 2005 Crop Formation Update in Six Countries
• 05/10/2005 — Part 12: UFO Crash/Retrievals: Status Report III - Amassing The Evidenc
• 05/04/2005 — Part 11: UFO Crash/Retrievals: Status Report III - Amassing The Evidence
• 04/28/2005 — Dozens of Unidentified Aerial Objects Videotaped Over Sonora, California
• 04/19/2005 — Part 10: UFO Crash/Retrievals: Status Report III - Amassing The Evidence © June 1982 by Leonard H. Stringfield
• 04/18/2005 — Part 9: UFO Crash/Retrievals: Status Report III - Amassing The Evidence © June 1982 by Leonard H. Stringfield
• 04/17/2005 — 1949 Aerial Disc Covered-Up By Project Blue Book As "Kite"
• 04/14/2005 — "Battle of Los Angeles" On February 25, 1942: When America's 37th Coast Artillery Brigade Fired Off 1,430 Anti-Aircraft Shells At A UFO
• 04/13/2005 — Highly Strange Dog Death in Arkansas; 2000-Pound Bull Dropped On Log Pile and Calf Skinned
• 04/05/2005 — Part 8: UFO Crash/Retrievals: Status Report III - Amassing The Evidence
• 03/28/2005 — Part 7: UFO Crash/Retrievals: Status Report III - Amassing The Evidence © June 1982 by Leonard H. Stringfield
• 03/24/2005 — Part 6: UFO Crash/Retrievals: Status Report III - Amassing The Evidence
• 03/22/2005 — Part 5: UFO Crash/Retrievals: Status Report III - Amassing The Evidence © June 1982 by Leonard H. Stringfield
• 03/13/2005 — Part 4: UFO Crash/Retrievals: Status Report III - Amassing The Evidence
• 03/08/2005 — Flying Disc Paced Airliner Over Puget Sound Navy Yard
• 03/07/2005 — Part 3: UFO Crash/Retrievals: Status Report III - Amassing The Evidence
• 03/03/2005 — Part 2: UFO Crash/Retrievals: Status Report III - Amassing The Evidence © June 1982 by Leonard H. Stringfield
• 03/01/2005 — Part 1: UFO Crash/Retrievals: Status Report III - Amassing The Evidence © June 1982 by Leonard H. Stringfield
• 02/23/2005 — FINAL Part 4: UFO Crash/Retrievals: Status Report IV - Fatal Encounter At Ft. Dix-McGuire
• 02/21/2005 — Updated - Bull and Cow Mutilations Northwest of Corpus Christi, Texas
• 02/19/2005 — Part 3: UFO Crash/Retrievals: Status Report IV - Fatal Encounter At Ft. Dix-McGuire
• 02/13/2005 — Part 1: UFO Crash/Retrievals: Status Report IV - Fatal Encounter At Ft. Dix-McGuire
• 02/11/2005 — Story Behind "Inflation-Theory Implications for Extraterrestrial Visitation"
• 02/07/2005 — FINAL Part 3: UFO Crash/Retrievals: Status Report V - Is The Cover-Up Lid Lifting?
• 02/04/2005 — Part 2: UFO Crash/Retrievals: Status Report V - Is The Cover-Up Lid Lifting?
• 01/30/2005 — Part 1: UFO Crash/Retrievals: Status Report V - Is The Cover-Up Lid Lifting?
• 01/26/2005 — Final Part 28: UFO Crash/Retrievals: The Inner Sanctum - Status Report VI © July 1991 by Leonard H. Stringfield
• 01/17/2005 — Part 27: UFO Crash/Retrievals: The Inner Sanctum - Status Report VI © July 1991 by Leonard H. Stringfield
• 01/15/2005 — Part 26: UFO Crash/Retrievals: The Inner Sanctum - Status Report VI © July 1991 by Leonard H. Stringfield
• 01/15/2005 — Bull and Cow Mutilations Northwest of Corpus Christi, Texas
• 01/11/2005 — Part 25: UFO Crash/Retrievals: The Inner Sanctum - Status Report VI © July 1991 by Leonard H. Stringfield
• 01/04/2005 — Part 23: UFO Crash/Retrievals: The Inner Sanctum - Status Report VI © July 1991 by Leonard H. Stringfield
• 12/30/2004 — September 12, 1952: America's "Secret War"? Part 1: UFO Retrieval in Flatwoods, West Virginia
• 12/30/2004 — September 12, 1952: America's "Secret War"? Part 2: USAF Starfire Disappeared Over Gulf of Mexico
• 12/30/2004 — September 12, 1952: America's "Secret War"? Part 3: Nuclear Physicist Stanton Friedman Comments
• 12/30/2004 — Audience Feedback About Earthfiles "September 12, 1952: America's 'Secret War'?"
• 12/22/2004 — Part 1: "Reasons Why U.S. Government CAN'T Release Truth About UFOs!" with Canadian Researcher, Grant Cameron
• 12/22/2004 — Part 2: "Reasons Why U.S. Government CAN'T Release Truth About UFOs!" with Canadian Researcher, Grant Cameron
• 12/19/2004 — Part 21: UFO Crash/Retrievals: The Inner Sanctum - Status Report VI © July 1991 by Leonard H. Stringfield
• 12/17/2004 — Updated - Feedback About Destruction of U. S. Military Records
• 12/10/2004 — Part 3: "Peculiar Phenomena," V-2 Rockets - and UFOB Retaliation?
• 12/10/2004 — Part 4: "Peculiar Phenomena," V-2 Rockets - and UFOB Retaliation?
• 12/07/2004 — Part 2: "Peculiar Phenomena," V-2 Rockets - and UFOB Retaliation?
• 12/04/2004 — Part 1: "Peculiar Phenomena," V-2 Rockets - and UFOB Retaliation?
• 11/26/2004 — Part 20: UFO Crash/Retrievals: The Inner Sanctum - Status Report VI © July 1991 by Leonard H. Stringfield
• 11/12/2004 — Strange Metal Pieces from Plains of San Agustin Alleged UFO Crash Site Analyzed.
• 11/03/2004 — Gen. Wesley Clark - Has He Been Briefed About UFOs?
• 10/29/2004 — Part 1: Update On Shag Harbour, Nova Scotia, UFO Case. See Upcoming Crash Retrieval Conference in Las Vegas, November 12 - 14
• 10/29/2004 — Part 2: Update On Shag Harbour, Nova Scotia, UFO Case. See Upcoming Crash Retrieval Conference in Las Vegas, November 12 - 14
• 10/23/2004 — 1948 Aztec, New Mexico UFO Crash: Policemen, Disk and Humanoids
• 10/10/2004 — Part 2: Texas Case of Shape-Shifting Human-to-Reptilian
• 09/25/2004 — Part 6: "Clearview" Report on the Investigation of UFO Experiences on A Rocky Mountain Ranch
• 09/23/2004 — Part 5: "Clearview" Report on the Investigation of UFO Experiences on A Rocky Mountain Ranch
• 09/19/2004 — Part 4: "Clearview" Report on the Investigation of UFO Experiences on A Rocky Mountain Ranch
• 09/13/2004 — Part 1: "Clearview" Report on the Investigation of UFO Experiences on A Rocky Mountain Ranch
• 09/10/2004 — Part 17: UFO Crash/Retrievals: The Inner Sanctum - Status Report VI © July 1991 by Leonard H. Stringfield
• 09/06/2004 — Part 2: Terry Sherman - 1996 Interview About High Strangeness on Fort Duchesne, Utah Ranch
• 09/04/2004 — Hillsboro, Ohio Corn Formation - High Strangeness in Soil and Plants
• 08/30/2004 — Part 16: UFO Crash/Retrievals: The Inner Sanctum - Status Report VI © July 1991 by Leonard H. Stringfield
• 08/28/2004 — Cow Mutilation and Loud, Unidentified Sound in Farnam, Nebraska
• 08/20/2004 — Part 2 - The Apollo Program, Cape Canaveral and UFOs
• 08/18/2004 — New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson Wants More Investigation of 1947 Roswell UFO Crash
• 08/13/2004 — Part 15: UFO Crash/Retrievals: The Inner Sanctum - Status Report VI © July 1991 by Leonard H. Stringfield
• 08/06/2004 — Updated - Truck Driver Who Allegedly Saw Craft and "Lizard" Arm from 1965 Kecksburg, PA Crash
• 08/05/2004 — Part 14: UFO Crash/Retrievals: The Inner Sanctum - Status Report VI © July 1991 by Leonard H. Stringfield
• 07/27/2004 — Part 12: UFO Crash/Retrievals: The Inner Sanctum - Status Report VI © July 1991 by Leonard H. Stringfield
• 07/21/2004 — The Apollo Program, Cape Canaveral and UFOs
• 07/17/2004 — Inside Job - Unmasking the 9/11 Conspiracies by Jim Marrs
• 07/02/2004 — Part 11: UFO Crash/Retrievals: The Inner Sanctum - Status Report VI © July 1991 by Leonard H. Stringfield
• 06/27/2004 — Part 10: UFO Crash/Retrievals: The Inner Sanctum - Status Report VI © July 1991 by Leonard H. Stringfield
• 05/17/2004 — Updated - Crop Formation Reported in Zabno, Poland
• 05/16/2004 — Part 8: UFO Crash/Retrievals: The Inner Sanctum - Status Report VI © July 1991 by Leonard H. Stringfield
• 05/11/2004 — An Extraordinary Photograph in A Dutch Home
• 04/30/2004 — Part 2 - Ted Phillips's Search for "Black Mirror" Cylinder in Slovakia
• 04/21/2004 — At the X-Conference, Former Naval Intelligence Officer, C. B. Scott Jones
• 04/13/2004 — Part 7: UFO Crash/Retrievals: The Inner Sanctum - Status Report VI © July 1991 by Leonard H. Stringfield
• 03/26/2004 — Back Engineering ET Craft
• 03/17/2004 — Part 1 - "Horrible Secret" in UFO Crash Retrievals Near Roswell, New Mexico, in July 1947?
• 03/17/2004 — Part 2 - "Horrible Secret" in UFO Crash Retrievals Near Roswell, New Mexico, in July 1947?
• 03/14/2004 — Part 5: UFO Crash/Retrievals: The Inner Sanctum - Status Report VI © July 1991 by Leonard H. Stringfield
• 03/08/2004 — Part 4: UFO Crash/Retrievals: The Inner Sanctum - Status Report VI © July 1991 by Leonard H. Stringfield
• 03/01/2004 — Part 3: UFO Crash/Retrievals: The Inner Sanctum - Status Report VI © July 1991 by Leonard H. Stringfield
• 02/25/2004 — Part 2: UFO Crash/Retrievals: The Inner Sanctum - Status Report VI © July 1991 by Leonard H. Stringfield
• 02/24/2004 — Part 1: UFO Crash/Retrievals: The Inner Sanctum - Status Report VI © July 1991 by Leonard H. Stringfield
• 02/16/2004 — Part 15: Epilogue - UFO Crash/Retrievals, Status Report VII by Leonard H. Stringfield
• 02/13/2004 — Part 14 - UFO Crash/Retrievals, Status Report VII by Len Stringfield
• 02/12/2004 — Part 13 - UFO Crash/Retrievals, Status Report VII by Len Stringfield
• 02/07/2004 — Part 12 - UFO Crash/Retrievals, Status Report VII by Len Stringfield
• 01/24/2004 — Are Military Jets Chasing UFOs in Bloomington, Indiana?
• 01/21/2004 — Part 8 - UFO Crash/Retrievals, Status Report VII by Len Stringfield
• 01/18/2004 — Part 7 - UFO Crash/Retrievals, Status Report VII by Len Stringfield
• 01/18/2004 — Huge Moving "Triangle of Stars" Over Alberta, Canada
• 01/11/2004 — Part 6 - UFO Crash/Retrievals, Status Report VII by Len Stringfield
• 12/29/2003 — Part 5 - UFO Crash/Retrievals, Status Report VII by Len Stringfield
• 12/21/2003 — Part 4 - UFO Crash/Retrievals, Status Report VII by Len Stringfield
• 12/19/2003 — Part 3 - UFO Crash/Retrievals, Status Report VII by Len Stringfield
• 12/17/2003 — Part 2 - UFO Crash/Retrievals, Status Report VII by Len Stringfield
• 12/13/2003 — What Snapped Off Big Trees in A Circle in Ruby, Alaska?
• 11/07/2003 — British UFO Crash Retrievals
• 10/28/2003 — Part 2 - U. S. Presidents and UFO Investigations
• 10/25/2003 — Part 1 - What Does NASA Know About 1965 Aerial Vehicle Crash in Kecksburg, Pennsylvania?
• 09/12/2003 — Second Soybean Crop Formation in Ohio is Manmade. Special USAF Investigation Unit Involved?
• 08/29/2003 — Part 1 - Why Do Military Helicopters Focus On Crop Formations?
• 08/21/2003 — Avebury Eyewitnesses Follow Aerial Disk to Field East of Cherhill
• 06/27/2003 — Part 2 - Mysterious Lights and Fourteen Crop Formations in Italy
• 05/28/2003 — Cat and Dog Mutilations in Salt Lake City; $6,500 Reward
• 05/18/2003 — Cattle Mutilation - The Unthinkable Truth, Chapter 5, Part One
• 05/18/2003 — Cattle Mutilation - The Unthinkable Truth, Chapter 5, Part Two
• 04/22/2003 — UFO Experiences Reported by Forest Fire Lookouts
• 04/06/2003 — Cattle Mutilation - The Unthinkable Truth, Chapter 4, Part Three
• 03/30/2003 — Cattle Mutilation - The Unthinkable Truth, Chapter 4, Part Two
• 03/28/2003 — Cattle Mutilation - The Unthinkable Truth, Chapter 4, Part One
• 03/19/2003 — Cattle Mutilation - The Unthinkable Truth, Chapter 3, Part Three
• 03/08/2003 — Cattle Mutilation - The Unthinkable Truth, Chapter 3, Part Two
• 02/03/2003 — Cattle Mutilation - The Unthinkable Truth, Chapter 3, Part One
• 01/21/2003 — Mutilated Horse Baffles Police in Des Moines, Iowa
• 01/16/2003 — Dubayy, United Arab Emirates Shopping Mall Uses "UFO Fly-Over" to Promote January Store Festival
• 01/15/2003 — Cattle Mutilation - The Unthinkable Truth, Chapter 2, Part Three
• 12/21/2002 — Part 2 - Corguinho, Brazil: Close Encounters with Tall Red-Haired and Blond-Haired Non-Human Beings
• 12/07/2002 — Cattle Mutilation - The Unthinkable Truth, Chapter 1, Part Three
• 11/19/2002 — What Broke Up Between Afyon and Yalova, Turkey On November 1, 2002?
• 11/09/2002 — UPDATED: Majestic-12 Documents with Ryan Wood About Extraterrestrial Technologies
• 11/03/2002 — Chapter 12 - Mystery Stalks The Prairie
• 11/03/2002 — Chapter 13 - Mystery Stalks The Prairie
• 10/30/2002 — Unidentified Aerial Object Over Albany, N. Y. Airport
• 10/28/2002 — Chapter 11 - Mystery Stalks The Prairie
• 10/26/2002 — Former White House Aide, John Podesta, Says Government Should Open Up UFO Files
• 10/26/2002 — Chapter 10 - Mystery Stalks the Prairie
• 10/20/2002 — Chapter 9 - Mystery Stalks The Prairie
• 10/15/2002 — Chapter 8 - Mystery Stalks The Prairie
• 10/13/2002 — Chapter 7 - Mystery Stalks The Prairie
• 10/09/2002 — Extraterrestrial Biological Entities and Discs Described by CIA/U.S. Army Administrator, 1957-1960
• 10/08/2002 — Chapter 6 - Mystery Stalks The Prairie
• 10/03/2002 — Chapter 5 - Mystery Stalks The Prairie
• 09/09/2002 — Chapter 1 - Mystery Stalks The Prairie
• 07/23/2002 — Mysterious, Buzzing Light in Tehachapi, California
• 06/15/2002 — Cattle Mutilations In LaPampa, Argentina
• 04/20/2002 — Canadian and American Officials In 1950s Collaborated on Study of Unidentified Aerial Disks
• 04/17/2002 — Part 2 - Unidentified Aerial Craft Over Farmington and Aztec, New Mexico in Spring 1949
• 01/19/2002 — Nine Unidentified Aerial Objects Tracked at 8,000 mph on 1952 Radar
• 05/11/2001 — Horse Slashings and Deaths in Calgary, Alberta, Canada
• 05/04/2001 — Part 3 - Retired Army Sergeant Describes 1969 Film of Unidentified Craft
• 04/30/2001 — Part 2 - Former U.S. Army Sergeant Describes 1969 Film of Non-Human Entities
• 04/29/2001 — Part 1 - Former Army Sergeant Describes 1969 Film of Alien Craft and Entities
• 04/21/2001 — April 1986: After Chernobyl Melt Down, What Flew Over Mannheim, Germany?
• 06/22/2000 — The UFO/FBI Connection by U. S. Navy Physicist, Bruce S. Maccabee - Part 5
• 06/21/2000 — The UFO/FBI Connection by U. S. Navy Physicist, Bruce S. Maccabee - Part 4
• 06/19/2000 — The UFO/FBI Connection by U. S. Navy Physicist, Bruce S. Maccabee - Part 2
• 06/18/2000 — The UFO/FBI Connection by U. S. Navy Physicist, Bruce S. Maccabee - Part 1
• 03/21/2000 — Mysterious Fires in Bartlesville, Oklahoma - 1966/1967
• 03/10/2000 — New Energy Patent - Hydrogen Gas from Algae
• 02/21/2000 — Green Square Unidentified Aerial Craft Over Phoenix
• 10/24/1999 — A U. S. Army Infantryman's Abduction
• 09/05/1999 — Delphos, Kansas Ring Mystery - More Analyses
• 01/28/1999 — Army Sgt. Clifford Stone's and Triangle Craft in Germany, 1989
• 01/10/1999 — Updates: Astronomy and Rufus Baughn, Nevada Test Site
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